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Bedroom remodeled and turned into reloading room.

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  • Bedroom remodeled and turned into reloading room.

    I am still extremely new to reloading, but I started to remodel the other bedrooms and I couldn't have my reloading room looking dated. So, I figured before I got the reloading room completely setup, I might as well knock it out too. Not that I want to completely cover the walls, but any recommendations for gun/shooting/military pictures I could put up? I know I could do a search online, but figured I would see what some of your favorites were or what you have already.

    Special note on the flag - While I was working in Afghanistan, one of my high school friends that joined the Marines got deployed to the same base I was working on. He is a crew chief for one of the Marine Osprey airplanes and I was lucky enough to get him to fly my flag on his plane.

    Before, during, and after pictures:

  • #2
    I like it overall, but you should have got ride of the carpet.



    • #3
      Originally posted by Craizie View Post
      I like it overall, but you should have got ride of the carpet.



      • #4
        Very nice! Makes me realize just how small my spare bedroom is.
        "You don't so much drive it, more like poke it with a sharp stick and channel the fury when you piss it off."

        FFL & LTC Instructor
        Factory Five MK4 Cobra
        Build thread-


        • #5
          Originally posted by Craizie View Post
          I like it overall, but you should have got ride of the carpet.

          That's something I strongly considered. I just didn't want one bedroom with hard wood floors and the rest carpet.


          • #6
            Originally posted by 01yz2nv View Post
            Very nice! Makes me realize just how small my spare bedroom is.
            The wide angle lens distorts the picture and makes the room look bigger than it really is. The bench with the reloading equipment on it is 8' and the other one is 6'.


            • #7
              Looks great man! yeah carpet is gonna give you some hell, but no matter, you can always pull it out when you want to.
              "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
              "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


              • #8
                Very nice. I need to do that to mine and build a actual bench instead of using a old desk.
                "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


                • #9


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by CJ View Post
                    Looks great man! yeah carpet is gonna give you some hell, but no matter, you can always pull it out when you want to.
                    Maybe I am overlooking the downside to having carpet... how is it going to give me hell? Like I said, I'm pretty new to reloading, so I am open to suggestions.

                    Originally posted by dee View Post
                    Very nice. I need to do that to mine and build a actual bench instead of using a old desk.
                    That is my long-term plan. The work benches that are in there now will be moved to the garage as soon as I get it built and I will make custom benches. My only problem right now, aside from the lack of space, is that I'm not familiar enough with the reloading process to know how I want my benches set up. So, in the meantime, I plan to use the benches until I am familiar enough to come up with a design that works for me. That will also be a good time to re-think the carpet in the room.

                    Originally posted by phaux View Post
                    It's hard to feel like a baller when you're doing all the work yourself.


                    • #11
                      Looks awesome Mike!
                      Originally posted by lincolnboy
                      After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


                      • #12
                        Spent primers get in the carpet, tough to vacuum up. Also, you are going to spill powder. Maybe a tiny bit here and there, but it adds up and accumulates over time.

                        At least that is my experience for the brief time I had carpet under my loading bench.


                        • #13
                          I got back to work on mine last night trying to finish up the shelves so i can get organized. It looks good!
                          Originally posted by Leah
                          Best balls I've had in my mouth in a while.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Mike K View Post
                            Maybe I am overlooking the downside to having carpet... how is it going to give me hell? Like I said, I'm pretty new to reloading, so I am open to suggestions.
                            The first time you spill a cup of spent primers, box of projectiles, or a cylinder full of powder, you'll know.

                            I love the feel of carpet, but kitchens, bathrooms and reloading rooms I would have a sweepable flooring.


                            • #15
                              That makes sense. I didn't even think of mishaps like spilling primers. It must be fun fishing primers out of carpet.

