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my first hk...

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  • my first hk...

    Bought a VP9 today and its a damn nice shooter. Feels very ergonomic compared to every other gun I own. Pleased with the purchase.

    Also snagged a used M&P shield in .40. A little snappy but a great new carry weapon.

    Anyway, excited to try it for a USPSA match at the end of the month. Just have to find a holster and another mag.

    Two thumbs up for the HK.

  • #2
    They shoot pretty well. I got to review one and I enjoyed it:
    H&K has been in the striker-fired pistol game for a long time.In 1970 Heckler and Koch produced the world’s first polymer framed pistol, the VP70, that also featured a striker rather than a hammer.The P7 series also featured a striker but with the advent of the USP and Mark 23, the company nearly went to making hammer fired guns exclusively (aside from small numbers of P7s being made until 2008).
    Originally posted by lincolnboy
    After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


    • #3
      I got one of the first ones from GT Distributors and like it. My only complaint about it is that I tend to double with it randomly without noticing it until the mag is empty.
      Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


      • #4
        Woohoo! After having no luck finding a Serpa type holster for the VP9 so I can use it in a USPSA shoot at the end of the month, I found a Youtube video showing how to modify a Blackhawk Serpa for a Glock 20/21/37 to make it work for the VP9. It's not perfect, but it holds the gun tight and covers the trigger. i'm happy!


        • #5
          Have you run any rounds through it yet?
          "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


          • #6
            Ran a box of cheap stuff at the shop when I bought. Soft shooter and trouble free. Awesome gun. I just have to adjust back from Glock grip angle back to 1911 angle.


            • #7
              I picked one up a couple of weeks ago and really like it. The only thing I don't like is the mag release, but I think that is just because I am not used to it.

