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The Truth About Barrel Length, Muzzle Velocity and Accuracy

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  • The Truth About Barrel Length, Muzzle Velocity and Accuracy

    It's not too many times I run into an article that fundamentally changes my point of view. This article is extremely provocative and I suggest everyone take the time to read it. Long I have said that barrel length and accuracy have little in common. This article makes a compelling argument that not only is that the case, but it's quite possible that shorter is better.

    The Truth About Barrel Length, Muzzle Velocity and Accuracy

    By Josh Wayner

    Josh Wayner’s taken it upon himself to challenge what everyone “knows” as far as barrel length, velocity and accuracy are concerned. According to his results, the conventional wisdom ain’t all that wise when it comes to longer-barreled ballistics. The only question then is, if you buy in and go with a short barrel, can you stand the noise?

    Abstract: This is an independent scientific study that has been conducted in western Michigan. This study addresses the misunderstanding of the concepts related to barrel length, muzzle velocity, and accuracy in a rifle . . .

    Elements of the Study: This study was conducted with a set of standards that do not necessarily correspond to all manner of firearms. The combination of weapon and ammunition used for this study was carefully determined and analyzed for the best results. This study was conducted with what the author and fellow researchers determined to be the most precise materials and methods available gathered from expert input and other existing studies.

    The platform used for this is a Shilen match barrel which began at 26 inches in length and ended at 13.5 inches. The chamber is of standard SAAMI specification in 308 Winchester and the barrel features a 1:10 right hand twist. The ammunition used for this test is of several types, all of which are of corresponding lot numbers. At each range, handloads were used to seek out advantages given the barrel length by modifying the bullet and powder. This data is included gratis and represents the abilities of the weapon system when tuned ammunition is available.

    For this test, the barrel was attached to a Savage short action target receiver in a Scally Hill Systems MK4 Mod7 folding chassis. This test measured all three variables at the same time in the most similar conditions available. Testing was conducted at Southkent Sportsman’s Club in Dorr, Michigan and Chick-Owa Sportsman’s Club in Zeeland, Michigan. Firing was conducted at a distance minimum of 100 yards and a maximum of 540 yards. Informal ‘field’ shooting was conducted on private land at safe targets out to a distance of 900 yards, accurately measured by satellite using Google Earth.

    Ambient conditions were on average 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit with 40-50% humidity at an elevation average of 670 feet. Shooting was conducted with a 16x SWFA SS optic, a piece well noted for its durability and ruggedness. Velocities were obtained using a chronograph and extrapolation of shooting results. Group size was measured with a micrometer. Five shot groups were used to measure accuracy. Firing was conducted on standard IPSC silhouette targets at all ranges.

    This study does not aim to look at terminal effects, rates of drop and drift, combat effectiveness, ethical viewpoints, or legal/political issues.


    This section is included here as a semi-abstract to address commonly held beliefs regarding barrel length, muzzle velocity, and accuracy. These results are backed by the data collected below.

    Explaining Barrel Length:

    Belief: a long barrel is required for accuracy when shooting at long distance.

    Fact: In no part of our testing was barrel length a determining factor in accuracy. At a distance of 100-540 yards, there was no discernible difference in accuracy between various barrel lengths. This performance translated over to unknown distance shooting with all barrel lengths at ranges out to 900 yards. At no point in the testing was a short barrel a hindrance once marksmanship fundamentals were observed and proper flight data was applied.

    Explaining Velocity:

    Belief: Now that we know that accuracy is pretty much the same, short barreled rifles lose too much velocity be effective at long ranges.

    Fact: This is a double-edged sword. The 13.5-inch length could propel a 168 grain Hornady TAP round at an average velocity of 2390 fps, which is hardly slow. That is only a decrease of around 315 fps from the 26 inch length (25.2 fps/in), and vindicates many researchers who pioneered velocity discussions. There was no noticeable critical difference in accuracy at any range. There is a downside to longer ranges and reduced velocities, that being increased susceptibility to wind as range increases. Increased drift is not the end of the world, though, and if measured properly, can be overcome with ease.

    What is more is the differences in velocity across loads and barrel lengths. The issue with barrel length and velocity was also interesting in that, across all bullet weights, the extreme variation is only 31% (110 VMAX @3202 and 208 AMAX @2215). In the most accurate load, the 168gr HPBT handload, the velocity difference between longest and shortest was only slightly more than 15%. The round with the least variation between barrel lengths was the 175gr Federal Gold Medal Match with slightly less than 8% variation.

    Explaining Accuracy in a practical sense:

    Belief: “The time I put five shots into a cloverleaf is the time I did everything right.”

    Fact: This is the greatest misunderstanding in the world of accuracy and shooting. In our testing, no matter the ammunition used, the weapon showed that there was a natural fluctuation in regard to group size and point of impact. This has been determined by other studies as well, even those using ‘rail guns’ and heavy benchrest rifles. Accuracy, at least in our testing, was determined to be more akin to a ‘cone’ than a grid in that the accuracy of the rifle had an average maximum radial spread of .765 MOA over all barrel lengths.

    In layman’s terms, this means that the barrel could fire an indefinite number of rounds into a circle with an average diameter of 1.53 MOA, which is not all that impressive. However, it must be understood that accuracy does not work like traditional manuals dictate. As an example, a man takes his new rifle to the range. He sets up his targets and fires several five shot groups. His groups are respectable by most standards, with most clustering at around .75 MOA. He sets his zero and continues to fire.

    Here is the important part: he fires another group and gets a ‘flier’ one MOA low and left. He discards it and continues, discarding all the fliers he gets. Now it gets hard for him to figure out. He shoots five shots and notices that he gets a .25 MOA group, but .8 MOA low and .45 MOA right. This is a great group, and he scratches his head and adjusts his scope to it. He shoots again, but prints a wide group measuring 1.2 MOA across, but now shifted off his zero. He assumes that he has run his luck out, packs up, and goes home.

    What has happened here has happened to many people. What our friend did not realize was that his gun was never zeroed at all. The tight cluster he got was not the time he did it right, it was a statistical possibility that comes from firing. In reality, the man had a rifle that was not shooting .75 MOA, but rather he was printing groups and ignoring his most important ally, his fliers. These are critical to rifle accuracy and are not mistakes.

    Statistically speaking, the rifle he has may actually fire a maximum group size of 2 MOA at 100 yards, which sounds terrible, but really isn’t. The vast majority of his rounds will probably impact at a radius of around .5 MOA of his true zero, or even less if he has a good combination. What he did not understand was that there is nothing wrong with a rifle that may throw a round out even 1 MOA or more, it’s all within the statistical level of accuracy that the rifle is capable of.

    The results of this study were very telling. Overall, as demonstrated in the accuracy charts, the shortest barrel length provided the most consistent accuracy across the board and the longest length proved to be the least accurate with the same loads. The data also shows that the so called “MOA” a rifle can shoot changes with distance. The groups at 100 yards show very good, often benchrest grade accuracy, and then at extended ranges, they show a natural increase in group size. Across the board, all the loads tested across all barrel lengths showed this. Across all loads and lengths, the average at 900yds was .765 radial MOA or 1.53MOA. Compare this to the 100yd average of .206 radial MOA or 0.413MOA. That’s right: the average across all lengths and loads yields sub half-MOA at 100yds and just over 1.5MOA at 900yds.
    "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
    "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler

  • #2

    This test obliterated what was previously thought to be fact. Not only was it determined that short barreled rifles are easily as accurate a those with long barrels, but we also discovered what we see as a key to viewing accuracy in a practical sense. In an age of misinformation, hard fact can be hard to come by. The internet is full of armchair know-it-alls and trolls a plenty, but for the most part, these can be ignored. Mental preconceptions of the researched concepts are still deeply entrenched in a more or less Napoleonic era of the theory of arms. Most of what is commonly argued about small arms is false and based on opinion. A quick look online reveals hundreds of arguments on topics like 9mm vs. 40 S&W vs. 45ACP or AR-15 vs. AK-47, none of which are based on fact or on the need of the individual in their realistic circumstances.

    If anything is to be learned from bullet selection, it is that match quality bullets have a distinct edge in accuracy over military and hunting bullets. The match bullets tested produced significantly greater accuracy than their military or hunting-type counterparts.

    This study is not aimed at the promotion of using any particular barrel length, brand of bullet or load. The reader must look at their own situation and determine what the most valuable features are in a rifle.
    Checkout the article to see the charts, which are quite interesting. It would seem to me the biggest effect causing the longer barrels to have considerably larger cones of accuracy is barrel harmonics. I originally intended to go with a 26" barrel to get a much velocity as I can for F-T/R but this makes a compelling argument that I might just be introducing more variables than the gain in velocity is worth.
    "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
    "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


    • #3
      I'm a huge fan of shorter barrels when possible. 18-22 seems perfect for anything that uses the 308 case. Magnums and 06 cases seem to do better with longer though.
      "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


      • #4
        I remember an article very similar to this in Precision Shooting a few years back. A rifle barrel is basically a big tuning fork and the longer it is the more flex it will have when fired. One way to combat this is to use a muzzle tuning device while keeping the barrel length to keep velocity up. I can make a group grow by over 2" simply by moving the BOSS on my M70 Laredo


        • #5
          I read a Russian study years ago penned by the guy that developed their semi auto sniper rifle and he had come to the exact same conclusions in the late 60s I believe. He also discussed how a faster twist rate reduces the statistical accuracy potential of any rifle and that was a real eye opener.
          Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


          • #6
            Originally posted by svo855 View Post
            I read a Russian study years ago penned by the guy that developed their semi auto sniper rifle and he had come to the exact same conclusions in the late 60s I believe. He also discussed how a faster twist rate reduces the statistical accuracy potential of any rifle and that was a real eye opener.
            I'm actually reading a book right now that has some in depth testing on this. There are several plus and minuses to both overly fast and slow twist. It is a bit different as it is a primary a study associated with long range shooting and the long bullets designed for such shooting.
            "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


            • #7
              This topic comes up quite often on other gun boards and the general consensus, from people who have been shooting longer than I've been alive, is the same as that article. There are always those that either refuse to believe statistical data, or traditionalists who have always had X rifle with Y barrel length and don't think it can get any better...

              I have found the shorter barreled rifles I have are more accurate than the longer barrels.
              "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776


              • #8
                Originally posted by BlackGT View Post
                This topic comes up quite often on other gun boards and the general consensus, from people who have been shooting longer than I've been alive, is the same as that article. There are always those that either refuse to believe statistical data, or traditionalists who have always had X rifle with Y barrel length and don't think it can get any better...

                I have found the shorter barreled rifles I have are more accurate than the longer barrels.
                Most of your br guys run short barrels so that should tell a man more than enough about how accurate they are. The guy that built my 7mm was a br shooter and unless the case needed it he stuck with something in the 20-22" on barrels for everything besides a dedicated br gun. Mine is something like 21 5/8" I think he just rough marked barrels in that area and it got finished somewhere around the area.
                "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


                • #9
                  I wouldn't say "most" of your BR shooters run shorter barrels. I'd say it's a pretty even distribution of longer and shorter barrels at most the matches my father goes to. My father has a 6x47 that I know he's cut the camber off of at least twice and finally turned it down to put on a hunting rifle when it wouldn't "cut the mustard" anymore and it's still over 24". And I've also seen a Honda Gold Wing swing arm turned into a benchrest gun with about an 18" barrel on it and the thing weighed over 50#.


                  • #10
                    It's all short range br around here and short barreled 6mm br dominate the course of fire. The open class rail guns are short as well. They also run short flat base bullets with a twist that is as slow as possible.
                    "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dee View Post
                      I'm actually reading a book right now that has some in depth testing on this. There are several plus and minuses to both overly fast and slow twist. It is a bit different as it is a primary a study associated with long range shooting and the long bullets designed for such shooting.
                      Care to share the name of that book with us?

                      I have also wanted to see if a study of cartridge efficiency like the way a rocket engines specific impulse is rated has been published. Think ft-lbs of energy per grain of powder used, vs types of powder, vs the cartridge the powder is being burned in. I suspect that it is too many variables to be absorbed in one lifetime unless you are someone like Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci.
                      Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by svo855 View Post
                        Care to share the name of that book with us?

                        I have also wanted to see if a study of cartridge efficiency like the way a rocket engines specific impulse is rated has been published. Think ft-lbs of energy per grain of powder used, vs types of powder, vs the cartridge the powder is being burned in. I suspect that it is too many variables to be absorbed in one lifetime unless you are someone like Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci.
                        It's the first book in a series of 3. The author is the chief ballistician fot Berger bullets.

                        "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


                        • #13
                          Here's a interesting test result on twist rate vs accuracy at 100yd. Now if long range is in the bunch stability accross the bullet range is another problem to delve into.

                          "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


                          • #14
                            Seems like that tighter twist opened up the groups.
                            "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                            "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by CJ View Post
                              Seems like that tighter twist opened up the groups.
                              Yeah. I just finished up the chapter and it was a good bit interesting. The 2 bullets tested were .308 diameter in the 308 winchester were the 175gr Matchking and the 175gr Berger OTM. The Bergers showed less deviation in group size due to better balance and jacket consistency. The Sierra had more deviation but is also more of a mass produced bullet. Also having a SG above 1.5 allows for best accuracy at long range close to the transonic range. I do know Berger has a calculator available know that factors in twist rate and gives you a more accurate sg calculation.
                              "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"

