Originally posted by NTexas_V-Star
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I'm not going to do research on how many misses the LE entities of the world have with Glock pistols, because we all know they miss far more than they hit. They don't carry 1911s, because they want to have 15+ rounds to miss with.
Sgt York killed 25 Germans with a lowly M1917 (5 shot mag) and an M1911 (7 shot mag). They rushed him after he shot 5 rounds from the M1917, that's when Browning's invention came down on the Germans.
Rest assured in another 100 years people will still be using 1911s and AK variants and M2 machine guns. I'm not sure about Glocks or any other polymer pistol. I wouldn't even bet on the AR lasting a 100 years, but it might. I know the 1911 will last 200, and the AK will easily see 170.
So you can compensate for a shitty design... so can lots of other people. That doesn't make it right. A lot of people drove Pintos, Dodge K cars, Chevettes, and Yugos too, that doesn't make them car gurus.