Well, I finally picked up a .22. The fiance and I were at a gun show and she saw a Ruger 10/22 with a green/gray laminated stock. I filed that tid bit away for future use. Her birthday is Tuesday, so I surprised her with it tonight so we can hit the range tomorrow. She was super excited, which makes it worth it! I also picked up a couple of extra 10 rnd magazines and a Midway scoped rifle bag.

On a side note, this bag is quite nice for the money ($20). It fits the gun perfectly.
Now, what do you guys consider must have upgrades? It will be built around the stock it came with. I want this to be a fun plinker/target gun, something she will enjoy shooting, and that we can both use to build a good foundation for marksmanship.

On a side note, this bag is quite nice for the money ($20). It fits the gun perfectly.
Now, what do you guys consider must have upgrades? It will be built around the stock it came with. I want this to be a fun plinker/target gun, something she will enjoy shooting, and that we can both use to build a good foundation for marksmanship.