I have a friend who would like to get rid of a Bushmaster carbine length
7.62 x39 AR15 style rifle. It is about 1 year old, purchased new from S.W.A.T. Firearms in Texas, and has had around 300 rnds. down the pipe.
Mod XM15-E2S
Doublestar quad rail
Explore Optics 2 x 42 Red Dot
Unknown butstock
SOG graphite fwd grip w/lockdown post
1 ASC 30 rnd mag
1 5 pocket soft sided case
Any ideas on what he should ask for it?

I don't really know about Bushmasters and 7x62 guns. I told him anywhere from $800 - $1100. What say you?
7.62 x39 AR15 style rifle. It is about 1 year old, purchased new from S.W.A.T. Firearms in Texas, and has had around 300 rnds. down the pipe.
Mod XM15-E2S
Doublestar quad rail
Explore Optics 2 x 42 Red Dot
Unknown butstock
SOG graphite fwd grip w/lockdown post
1 ASC 30 rnd mag
1 5 pocket soft sided case
Any ideas on what he should ask for it?

I don't really know about Bushmasters and 7x62 guns. I told him anywhere from $800 - $1100. What say you?