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Undetectable Firearms Act

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  • Undetectable Firearms Act

    The House of Representatives is looking to vote on the new Undetectable Firearms Act bill, proposed by Rep. Steve Israel, which would re-implement and expand the previous incarnation. Not only would the new bill ban 3D printed firearms, but it would ban “any major component of which, when subjected to inspection by the types of x-ray machines commonly used at airports, does not generate an image that accurately depicts the shape of the component.” What that means exactly is up to the interpretation of the Attourney General, Eric Holder, who is not exactly a friend of gun rights. The bill also extends the ban to include plastic magazines that are printed in the home . . .

    From the bill:

    (C) any ammunition magazine, manufactured by a person who is not a licensed manufacturer—

    (i) that, after removal of the spring and follower, is not as detectable as the Magazine Security Exemplar, by walk-through metal detectors calibrated and operated to detect the Magazine Security Exemplar; or

    (ii) which, when subjected to inspection by the types of x-ray machines commonly used at airports, does not generate an image that accurately depicts the shape of the magazine.

    So, unless you are licensed to manufacture magazines, you can’t make plastic ones. And since there is currently no licensing process for magazines, Magpul would be out of business.

    The bill is an over-reaching knee jerk reaction to 3D printed guns, and has the potential to make it a felony to print any firearms part in your own home or if you don’t have a license. It won’t stop criminals, but it will make them out of those who own 3D printers.

    The bill could be up for a vote as early as this afternoon, and we will keep you in the loop. For those wanting to make their voices heard the GOA has a website where you can write your congressional representatives.

  • #2
    What a bunch of morons.


    • #3
      While they are at it:

      -Unicorn protection act of 2014
      -FDA requirements for Diet Water
      -EPA Static Electricity regulation prevention of excessive shock


      • #4
        How do you ban something you can't trace? Are they going to mandate a signature of some sort in all types of 3d printers? The plans are readily available and printers are under $500 now.

        Yep, you might as well ban people that leech off of society.


        • #5
          Originally posted by bottlerocket View Post
          Steve Israel
          Why is it always the Jews?
          Originally posted by lincolnboy
          After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


          • #6
            We need a cataclysmic event.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
              We need a cataclysmic event.
              "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


              • #8
                Told you so!
                "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                • #9
                  Anything that gets these fuckwads to quit attempting fairy tale legislation.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Taya Kyle, American Gun
                    There comes a time when honest debate, serious diplomatic efforts, and logical arguments have been exhausted and only men and women willing to take up arms against evil will suffice to save the freedom of a nation or continent.


                    • #11

                      Voted, passed.

                      Chuck Schumer (Jew) seeking to amend the law to require that metal has to be permanently attached to the gun closing what they call a loophole that would allow removable metal parts. That means no taking your polymer gun apart for cleaning (AKA full retard).
                      Originally posted by lincolnboy
                      After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


                      • #12
                        Finally going to stop the rush of Glock 7s into the US!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by DOHCTR View Post

                          Voted, passed.

                          Chuck Schumer (Jew) seeking to amend the law to require that metal has to be permanently attached to the gun closing what they call a loophole that would allow removable metal parts. That means no taking your polymer gun apart for cleaning (AKA full retard).
                          Could this be just a small weight in the grip/frame?

                          All the poly guns I have have metal for contact with the slide. Does that count?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DOHCTR View Post

                            Voted, passed.

                            Chuck Schumer (Jew) seeking to amend the law to require that metal has to be permanently attached to the gun closing what they call a loophole that would allow removable metal parts. That means no taking your polymer gun apart for cleaning (AKA full retard).
                            Okay so you just throw metal shavings into your polymer resin that you print with? Next?
                            "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                            "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                            • #15
                              I hate Chuck Schumer. I want to see that sack of shit publically humiliated.

