I am not a Winchester guy but the new Super X3 Composite is the tits. All external parts are Perma Cote. It will shoot all 5 rounds in under 1/2 second without knocking you off target. Best of all it's under $1,000.
I just checked that out and it is exactly what I am looking for. 3-1/2" chamber as well. Thank you! I will probably be buying one here in a few weeks now.
i know i am are a fucking idiot.i know i should have pulled out of my mommas ass to make a shit fuck like me.bitch
Originally Posted By: Polska
I don't believe in shotting any animal past 150 or 200 yards, until their is better technology in 10 or 20 years and we have laser like the predators.
Probably because they own stoeger, or well beretta owns both of them lol
Maybe it is because my first shotgun I bought for myself was a Beretta, but I will always favor Beretta. My Dad has a Benelli Montefeltro and I prefer shooting my cheap 390 any day over that gun.
I will say that Benelli has some of the lightest and smoothest actions I've EVER felt. I can't rack the bolt on any other shotgun with my pinky without even trying like I can on a Benelli. But with that being said, I still think Beretta shotguns feel better in my hands.
Originally posted by Jester
Every time you see the fucking guy....show him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.
If money were not an issue.... BirdDog has a Benelli that I was drooling over at the last shooting outing. That gun was just plain smooth. I forgot what model it is but is had this faux carbon fiber stock/fore grip with polished or plated action....beautiful.