Almost the same for me. I had a 20 gauge shotgun at 10 then my first deer rifle at 12. I still have them all. That Ruger Mk77 25.06 has killed a lot of deer.
I took my oldest (4, 5 in aug) shooting for the first time about a month ago. Started about 6-8 months ago with an airsoft gun in the backyard. It's more about maturity level than age IMO.
I got a BB gun at 5 and had to carry an empty shot gun for a year before I could shoot a shot gun (that was age 7-8 at 10 we got on a dear lease and at 11 I was driving around 1800 acres in a 62 willys jeep with a 3 on the tree with a 12 gauge, my 3030 rifle and my 22 pistol
It's all about the kid. My little girl got a .22 at 6, and gets to shoot, but it's kept locked in our closet.
I have friends with 12yo. kids I wouldn't trust with a hot glue gun.
Sounds about right to me. I got my daughter a bb gun at 6. She started shooting my .22 auto rifle at 9. Airsoft pistols at 9 for practice. She is twelve now and has her own .22 pistol, .22/.410 combo, and a single shot .223. She proved to me she was mature enough. It definitly depends on the kid and how they were trained. That being said, all guns are locked away and she only shoots with me or my dad.
I'm getting my son a .22 for Christmas this year. He turned 10 2 weeks ago. My wife is like yours and thinks he is too young. I had my first .22 around 10...
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776
My Nylon 66 was such a fixture of my childhood. I went on Ebay and bought up a bunch of the Remington promotional media to have as keepsakes.
Hell, I am thinking of paying the $200 stamp fee for the Mossberg 500 to keep it as a SBS. I can't image the shotgun was more than $150 from Monkeywards back in the 80's.