So what are they when they're from the mouths of ATF officials themselves?
Legit... sometimes. Of course we are still waiting on e-filing, cleo signature elimination, elimination of the requirement of a law enforcement official to sign your forms, require each responsible person of a corporation, trust or legal entity to complete a specified form 1 or 4, require each member of a trust to complete and to submit photographs and fingerprints with forms, and require that a copy of all forms be forwarded to the chief law enforcement officer of the locality in which the maker or transferee is located.
I can find out for sure if you want me to.
Originally posted by lincolnboy
After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.
Legit... sometimes. Of course we are still waiting on e-filing, cleo signature elimination, elimination of the requirement of a law enforcement official to sign your forms, require each responsible person of a corporation, trust or legal entity to complete a specified form 1 or 4, require each member of a trust to complete and to submit photographs and fingerprints with forms, and require that a copy of all forms be forwarded to the chief law enforcement officer of the locality in which the maker or transferee is located.
I can find out for sure if you want me to.
Make the calls.
That being said, I'm done with NFA stuff unless there's to good of a deal to pass on. Got my last stamp ill ever want.
I keep thinking that I sent off the paperwork for my Osprey back in September or October but it was actually November. Now the wait doesn't seem quite so long.
I keep thinking that I sent off the paperwork for my Osprey back in September or October but it was actually November. Now the wait doesn't seem quite so long.
My last three transfers were 6 months on the dot for all.
If there is a problem with your stamp, how quickly do they typically notify you? My check was cashed on 9-11 and I dont know how much longer I can wait!
Ok I found that there have been a round of layoffs but mostly for new hires and low level employees. The examiners in WV have seniority and believe it or not it requires a lot of training to become one. All the current NFA examiners are staying, but I did not hear whether or not the assistant examiners are still there.
I asked about the rumors of them taking a day off due to sequester and I found out that is most likely false.
Originally posted by lincolnboy
After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.
If there is a problem with your stamp, how quickly do they typically notify you? My check was cashed on 9-11 and I dont know how much longer I can wait!
I've noticed it's generally just before they approve you. Only reason why I say that is because when you correct the paperwork and they receive it, you're almost instantly approved or denied.
I had two checks cashed 9/17 and I've already received my items as the approved date was April 5.
Someone create a sticky with our own tracking thread. Since nobody has receive a stamp back when they sent off for it post sandy hook it would be interesting to see just how backed up the system is right now. Also I like to keep stuff in house I know there is another thread but we as a group have enough pending right now to create our own test bed.
This for sure...I am beside myself sometimes trying to figure the whole thing out....
I just dont get it.
Ill explain it in the simplest form:
1. become a politician, then invest in companies who invest in small stocks and bonds that deal with ammunition,firearms, and accessories.
2. invest in distribution service companies that also deal with ones above^.
3. strategically wait for a tragedy then use the media to spread propaganda...or create one.
4. Mention a ban and new taxes on the the stuff your companies distribute, causing sales to hit record numbers.
5. trade all your stocks/bonds (now they are worth 100 times what you paid for them) for more stable long term investments, like international index funds.
6. Destroy the ban when its in the senate, use media to cover another tragedy to get the public mind off of the gun scare.
Use another branch of governments contract with a company you invested in, and use it to your advantage...
DHS wrote a contract that stated "indefinite quanity, indefinite time to fill quanity". With that being said, you indirectly control the supply of the civilian market buy ordering slightly less than what the factory can produce...
Hi, winchester ammo? we need 100,000 rounds this month.
"but we can only produce 80,000" said winchester.
"then we can get by with 75,000 i suppose."
eventually, you will dry out supply. They may not be able to take our guns, but they can take our ammo.