Yea I've searched around and found nothing, what do you recommend I do? Its for my step dad, and friend.
Im sorry to report my friend, but you can either:
1. pay premium on Gunbroker or armslist.
2. find a place that allows back-orders.
3. use this, refresh every hour, you might find a lead.
Im am no way trying to be short with you, Im just giving you your options. #3 is probably the best.
I've got one 30 round poly sks mag, promag was the brand I believe, there's a pic of it and some other sks accessories in a post at the end of the barter thread, pm if interested.
I've got one 30 round poly sks mag, promag was the brand I believe, there's a pic of it and some other sks accessories in a post at the end of the barter thread, pm if interested.
How well does it work? I've got 2 20rd Tapco's for my SKS but from reading posts on various forums I've heard that a lot of people have feeding problems with various models of SKS using 30rd magazines. I would love to have some 30rd magz but not if they are unreliable.
I've never used it, I have 1 20 round tapco and 2 30 round steal mags. I had feed problem with anything but the factory fixed box. I did bolt mod to allow mag change without the bolt back quiet a while back. A couple weeks ago I went to town with the dremel and beveled the lower part of the chamber opening and modified the feed ramps in the receiver, I also polished the areas of bolt that rubs and slides. It seems to be like night and day as far as feeding goes when cycling the bolt by hand and firing it. It was a lot of time and work for a cheap gun, but I already had it and an abundance of ammo so i figured I well make it cycle better. I did put the plastic mag in the receiver and it didn't lock in with much overhand from the mag release, but I'm pretty sure its because of the tapco extended release I'm using.
PSA had PRI 6.8 mags this morning, which are excellent. It's pretty hard to find 6.8 mags in stock anywhere right now. PSA doesn't seem to be that busy anymore either; my last order from them arrived in a week and a half.
Atlantic Blue '00 - '03 Cobra motor and TKO600, solid axle, full MM suspension
Silver '01 Vette - D1 blown LS
PSA had PRI 6.8 mags this morning, which are excellent. It's pretty hard to find 6.8 mags in stock anywhere right now. PSA doesn't seem to be that busy anymore either; my last order from them arrived in a week and a half.
I found some in my closet... I backordered 15-rd PRI mags from Brownell's on 1-7. They shipped on 2-7.
Unfortunately it looks like they are not taking backorders for them any more. They do have 25-rd in stock.
Atlantic Blue '00 - '03 Cobra motor and TKO600, solid axle, full MM suspension
Silver '01 Vette - D1 blown LS