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  • #31
    Originally posted by GAP View Post
    I hope not! I have the Atlantic Maadi kit. Although I did test fit my barrel and it has a .0025" slip fit
    two and a half thousandths aint much. Is it supposed to be an interference fit? You could probably have what ever portion you are having trouble with plated with whatever you wanted and build that up a bit.


    • #32
      Originally posted by inline 6 View Post
      two and a half thousandths aint much. Is it supposed to be an interference fit? You could probably have what ever portion you are having trouble with plated with whatever you wanted and build that up a bit.
      I believe it should have a ~.001" interference fit.


      • #33
        Originally posted by CJ View Post
        There are many differents ones out there and it can change the difficulty tremendously. I'll try to briefly cover which kits you should be looking for.

        Easy rivet builds:
        Romanian G AK-47
        Polish AK-47
        Bulgarian AK-74
        Hungarian AMD-65
        Generally any AK that is not a PSL, RPK, or Yugo.

        Harder rivet builds:
        RPK trunion guns (such as Yugos)

        Milled receivers.
        Only need barrels pressed and headspaced.

        Try to stay in the top category.
        Stole this from the other thread. It applies to people looking for parts kits.
        03 cobra


        • #34
          Originally posted by brandon01rt View Post
          Stole this from the other thread. It applies to people looking for parts kits.
          Damn, I bought the Yugo kit earlier. Oh well I'll still use it.
          '93 Cobra-Coyote Powered
          '13 Dodge Cummins
          '14 Rubicon X


          • #35
            I'm in, Ive got two Bulgarian AK74 kits with barrels. One 80% receiver and one 100% from nodak spud.
            "You don't so much drive it, more like poke it with a sharp stick and channel the fury when you piss it off."

            FFL & LTC Instructor
            Factory Five MK4 Cobra
            Build thread-


            • #36
              Guys, if you are willing to wait till October, I would be glad to host again.

              October would be good. Not too hot for my ruskie furry hat, a fire in the pit and Voadka.
              Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


              • #37
                I'm in for spectating and bringing food, unless this doesn't go down til October. I'm getting all of my finances in order because I just signed a contract on a house really close to you, Keith. Almost pulled the trigger on one in your 'hood, but it didn't suit me as well.

                Worst case scenario, I guess I can scavenge $700 for a "home defense system."


                • #38
                  Originally posted by hotrod66stang View Post
                  I'm in for spectating and bringing food, unless this doesn't go down til October. I'm getting all of my finances in order because I just signed a contract on a house really close to you, Keith. Almost pulled the trigger on one in your 'hood, but it didn't suit me as well.

                  Worst case scenario, I guess I can scavenge $700 for a "home defense system."
                  What neighborhood are you gonna end up in? There are a few in our community. Which were you looking at?
                  Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                  • #39
                    Sent you a PM in order to keep your info off the board.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                      Guys, if you are willing to wait till October, I would be glad to host again.

                      October would be good. Not too hot for my ruskie furry hat, a fire in the pit and Voadka.
                      In for October! Building or wanting to build 4 aks!
                      First hand witness at the failure of public healthcare.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                        Guys, if you are willing to wait till October, I would be glad to host again.

                        October would be good. Not too hot for my ruskie furry hat, a fire in the pit and Voadka.
                        Mother of god ... I am going to end up with 4-10 kits to build with that kind of wait lmao!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz View Post
                          Mother of god ... I am going to end up with 4-10 kits to build with that kind of wait lmao!
                          ^ This....


                          • #43
                            My mustang is eating my gun money, otherwise I would be in for the build. But I will attend for meet and greet.



                            • #44
                              Originally posted by cobrajet69 View Post
                              My mustang is eating my gun money, otherwise I would be in for the build. But I will attend for meet and greet.

                              That's why I sold my mustang last month, only room for one hobby.


                              • #45
                                If you think one Mustang eats a lot, you should have two, and a modified 65 F100 to go with them.

                                All my cash lately has gone for SVO engine parts and AK ammo. If we wait until Oct, I may build one, otherwise I'm just comedy relief and food/drink, although I can bring my MAK for a functioning model.
                                sigpic18 F150 Supercrew - daily
                                17 F150 Supercrew - totaled Dec 12, 2018
                                13 DIB Premium GT, M6, Track Pack, Glass Roof, Nav, Recaros - Sold
                                86 SVO - Sold
                                '03 F150 Supercrew - Sold
                                01 TJ - new toy - Sold
                                65 F100 (460 + C6) - Sold

