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Don't be a {} about your delayed order...
Originally posted by slow06 View PostHaha, funny you posted this.
Waiting on an order from Red X Arms right now and getting a little frustrated, not so much with the delay, but the lack of communication. I know they are busy, and I know I'm the 835924th e-mail they got asking the same question, but the lack of response is not helping.
Also, incase someone is wondering about getting something from a company quick. I ordered a mag tube extension from Nordic components on Sunday, and it got here Yesterday! As far as todays timelines go with suppliers, I feel that is SUPER fast.04 2.6 KB'd Cobra!
Originally posted by Sean88gtThere is something about her that just makes my dick completely take over any thought process. If Russell Brand were on top of her, I'd fuck him just to say I pushed a dick inside of her.
I called DSA arms today to ask if they really had their stripped uppers in stock and the girl said yes, if you order today you should have it by next week. Hoping its true. Redx on the other hand I ordered my stripped upper form them. If i haven't heard anything before i get the DSA one i'm gonna cancel.
Originally posted by spederman View Postmeh, then these places should quit taking orders if they cant handle the business and definitely quit taking people's cash so they dont have to answer to them then. There are quite a few companies out there that seem to be managing perfectly with great customer service.
(just playing devils advocate and taking the other side)
This is why I hate online shopping/ordering. If I am going to spend my hard earned money, then I want my stuff when I give you the money. Plain and simple.
I bet theses business' don't just send out items before they get paid for them. And if they did, I bet they would be hounding the customer for their money ASAP and would expect to talk to the person that owed them money. So why would they expect it to be any different when a customer, which is why they are in business to begin with, sends them money for a product or service and expects to receive that product at time of payment.Originally posted by SEB,,, You are just faster then me.
JUSTTHEDRIVER is my HERO!.000 Reaction Time 11/12/06
It was like this around fall in 2008, people waiting and waiting.... everyone was like "it will be years before the market will return to normal" ....7 months later, surplus on pretty much everything. Just relax, the scare is over, let the factories catch up and i guarantee a year from now all of this will be a distant memory.
Originally posted by 93WHITELXCOUPE View PostAMEN!!!
This is why I hate online shopping/ordering. If I am going to spend my hard earned money, then I want my stuff when I give you the money. Plain and simple.
I bet theses business' don't just send out items before they get paid for them. And if they did, I bet they would be hounding the customer for their money ASAP and would expect to talk to the person that owed them money. So why would they expect it to be any different when a customer, which is why they are in business to begin with, sends them money for a product or service and expects to receive that product at time of payment.
Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View PostWhat did that mag tube extension go on and how do you like it?04 2.6 KB'd Cobra!
Originally posted by Sean88gtThere is something about her that just makes my dick completely take over any thought process. If Russell Brand were on top of her, I'd fuck him just to say I pushed a dick inside of her.
Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View PostY'all want them to hire someone specifically to answer the same call and the same email from thousands of people a day?
I can tell you they have brought on extra help to get the products out, which is all you should care about. Every reaource these places have is going to fulfilling orders.
Some of y'all sound a little too sensitive about this wanting communication shit. Go get your nails done and just be patient.May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
Semper Fi
Originally posted by Jester View Postlol, dont start that shit! You were on here within the last month(give or take a few) complaining that you couldnt find any ammo!
Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View PostI was bitching about the assholes buying hundreds of magazines and boxes of ammo off the shelf just to gouge other consumers you micro p33n.
May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
Semper Fi