Of all the calibers to be out of EVERYWHERE locally, I did not expect it to be 9mm.
They aren't banning 9mm handguns. I have a 7.5" 9mm SBR and I had to by overpriced 9mm ammo from MGS just to break it in and test it out.
4 Academies and 7 walmarts. All I could scrounge were 2 boxes of .45 and 1 box of .40 (Academy is limiting ammo to one box per person)
They aren't banning 9mm handguns. I have a 7.5" 9mm SBR and I had to by overpriced 9mm ammo from MGS just to break it in and test it out.
4 Academies and 7 walmarts. All I could scrounge were 2 boxes of .45 and 1 box of .40 (Academy is limiting ammo to one box per person)