Need some schooling! How do you go about transferring paperwork and all that to sell someone a fire arm? Never done it before and am a complete newb on this
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Selling a firearm in Texas
What would the bill of sale do for me? and is this a sort of a "loophole" I guess for people who dont qualify to buy one from a store? For instance if I need to sell a rifle, I dont want to sell one to someone who doesnt meet the criteria, but I have no way of verifying that.
It's not a "loophole"....amazing what all this lib jabber will do....
I would ask to see a valid TX driver's license.
You do a bill of sale, in the event the purhcaser does soemthing with it, you have proof it wasn't you, that they took possesion of the weapon on "x" date...have them sign it...
very simple:
I, _________your name__________, sold/hereby transfer owwnership of a ________name of weapon___, ____serial number____ to ______buyer's name____ on ____date_____ for ____value_____.
Both of you sign it. Both get a copy...
Originally posted by Danny46 View PostAwesome thanks everyone. Just want to make sure I'm going about it the right way, especially with the stigma surrounding anything involving fire arms right now (unfortunately).
Thinking of selling a bolt action savage 30.06
Originally posted by AnthonyS View PostWell I like 30-06 a lot. It's my long arm caliber of choice and I don't like having a bunch of different caliber guns around. So if you want me to buy it, hit my up via PM and we will work out a deal. I want a bolt action 30-06 gun for hunting.
@Dallassleeper, it does not
Originally posted by 71chevellejohn View PostThe buyer hands you money and you hand him a gun.
Just me though.
Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk.
Originally posted by danielhv View PostI think in light of recent events, id do a little more due diligence to protect myself and ensure im not selling to the next idiot that wants to make headlines... thats just what the media needs... a story detailing that you can buy a gun on the streets legitimately with no paper trail whatsoever.
Just me though.
Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk.
There is no responsibility on your part if you wish to sell a gun, personally I ask to see an ID if they are not obviously over 21 and I do a bill of sale stating both parties names, serial number, model number date and time. But none of those things are required by law.
I've sold and bought private party, face to face a couple of times and just did a bill of sale with name, address and DL #, just so that if some LEO comes looking for that gun later I can show who I sold it to.
And Daniel - What DallasSleeper said.. How much can you really do? Looking at ID and capturing their info is the most I would consider.
I have seen some people that will only sell private party to CHL holders but I find even that excessive.