Got a gift card to CTD and can't blow it on anything.
No announcement yet.
CTD at it again.
gift cards suck
if you want to give me money, just give me money
Well they have rifles listed online again, but are not listing pricing.
Cheaper Than Dirt! is America's Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter, and we live up to that title. Expect bulk ammo deals, discount firearms, parts to build your next gun and more.
Cheaper Than Dirt! is America's Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter, and we live up to that title. Expect bulk ammo deals, discount firearms, parts to build your next gun and more.
Edit: apparently I'm wrong. Found this: Firearm sales will resume on a limited basis beginning Tuesday, January 8, based on available inventory.Last edited by Jimbo; 01-05-2013, 09:51 AM.
Originally posted by txminime View PostThis was posted on the Thunder Ranch Facebook page. It was posted on 12/18 so I'm sure all the PMags are gone by now...
Many of you might not know this but there are TWO Cheaper than Dirts! There is the absolutely IDIOT Cheaper than Dirt business that suspended all gun sales starting today on their online catalogs due to the recent RMMs. They ALSO raised the prices of their P Mags from $15 each to $65 Each today!
I could go on about this but all of you need to go to their Facebook...the online catalog ... and send them a message about them being absolute fools in caving in to this emotional, illogical mindset and NOW using this tragedy to fill their check books by hosing us.
The ACTUAL gun store Cheaper Than Dirt in Ft. Worth Texas...they are a totally DIFFERENT BUSINESS and are IN NO way connected to the people running the catalog.
The STORE CTD are who we have been dealing with for decades. Dewayne Irwin and his amazing staff have been OUR #1 place for us personally to purchase guns and for many of you who have asked us for help on guns and gear...these are the guys that have helped you GET the guns you needed and the gear you wanted!!! Do NOT CONFUSE THESE TWO!
Dewayne is Clint's baby brother in more ways than he can count. Dewayne has supported us and TR for decades and IF I need anything and when we have been in trouble...Dewayne is one of the first people I call for help. He and his staff need our support and get the word out that they have nothing to do with this latest publicity stunt by the catalog owners.
He also still has his P Mags for sale at $15 each!
Thanks for listening to me vent!!!
Heidi and Clint2002 4.6L 5spd S281
So fast i make speedy gonzales look like regular gonzales
Originally posted by spederman View PostThis is complete bullshit. Fuck CTD the online store AND the FT Worth retail store. My ass the retail store is there for their customers. They are the same weasel crooks as the online place. I stopped in yesterday just to buy some ranger plates for pmags, and they had a shit load of pmags priced at $89.99. Fuck them, I don't see how anybody can defend them. I hope they lose all their customer base and go out of business.
Originally posted by Venix View PostTell us how you really feel
Originally posted by ram57ta View Post...I've written off BOTH CTD's and several other gun shops I've been to for this shit...
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