I read my post at least 5 times and no where did it say anything about CHL holders.
Maybe I should have worded it more like, "My guess is he was leaving and went to the bathroom to holster up and put his finger on the trigger and applied the appropriate amount of pressure to discharge the live round in the chamber".
Then again I like it better the way I said it the first time.
<------------not a CHL holder but stayed at a Holiday Inn Express
I think he was probably referring to the possibility of the guy screwing around in the stall with his loaded firearm. Maybe it was his new toy and he stroked it a little too long. lol
I think he was probably referring to the possibility of the guy screwing around in the stall with his loaded firearm. Maybe it was his new toy and he stroked it a little too long. lol
"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler
I read my post at least 5 times and no where did it say anything about CHL holders.
Maybe I should have worded it more like, "My guess is he was leaving and went to the bathroom to holster up and put his finger on the trigger and applied the appropriate amount of pressure to discharge the live round in the chamber".
Then again I like it better the way I said it the first time.
<------------not a CHL holder but stayed at a Holiday Inn Express
You're right, I inferred it from 03trublu's comment.
I think he was probably referring to the possibility of the guy screwing around in the stall with his loaded firearm. Maybe it was his new toy and he stroked it a little too long. lol
You guys laugh, but until you have a ND you might not respect your weapon as much as you should.
The Will Rogers had a ND at a table in the show a couple years ago. That was interesting. We have troops and Airmen ND all the time at work.
I had a shooter riding my shotgun window licker ND right outside my truck door a few years ago as we were preparing to leave the wire in Kabul. Turned out he had been using the same round to go red with for over a week. Every time we came back in the wire he cleared and stuffed it back into his same contact mag. The primer had had enough and the slam of the pin finally rang our ears. lol
You can carry all the way to the entrance into the show inside the hall. My guess is he was leaving and went to the bathroom to holster up and play cowboy. Matt, how close did I get? lol