Anyone going Turkey hunting? I'm going opening day this Saturday, can't wait. Just picked up a new O/U Citori shotgun and it worked pretty well for pheasant this past weekend. Question on chokes, Turkey/Full or Turkey/IM?
What part of PA are you in? I was working there last winter around the Montrose area, we had to stay out of the woods the first 2 weeks of deer season, a couple of company reps said hunters from New Jersey come in and shoot at anything moving. We were staking/as builting pipeline for Southwestern.
What part of PA are you in? I was working there last winter around the Montrose area, we had to stay out of the woods the first 2 weeks of deer season, a couple of company reps said hunters from New Jersey come in and shoot at anything moving. We were staking/as builting pipeline for Southwestern.
Do you work for Rockford? I am in Williamsport, and yes the gas industry shuts down during deer season because a lot of leases are on state game lands and its dangerous.
Do you work for Rockford? I am in Williamsport, and yes the gas industry shuts down during deer season because a lot of leases are on state game lands and its dangerous.
No I land survey for a company out of Lafayette, La did a lot for Barnett Shale locations till the slow down now the ship me everywhere, PA was month long hitches(4 so far). I dealt with a few Rockford people, also saw your post in the debate thread, ran into a lot of union pricks up there, and they are LAZY!
No I land survey for a company out of Lafayette, La did a lot for Barnett Shale locations till the slow down now the ship me everywhere, PA was month long hitches(4 so far). I dealt with a few Rockford people, also saw your post in the debate thread, ran into a lot of union pricks up there, and they are LAZY!
haha yeah. I have been up here almost 3 years now, started in SW PA. Drilling has slowed down a LOT, but production and midstream is where its at now. They can't put in pipeline fast enough.