Body size, round rump, neck size, hoof size, pot belly.
And just looks like he is wore the fuck out.
Easy to tell that it doesn't look like a normal deer.
Originally posted by Jester
Every time you see the fucking him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.
Easy to tell that it doesn't look like a normal deer.
Wen they age, their faces get more square, they get a pot belly, their necks get thick, and if you can see them well enough, their tarsal glands get stained, they get a little greyer in the face, and their backs sway like an old mule. When they're younger, they have thin faces, bellies, & necks, and they stay a little lighter brown in color. You just have to watch them for a while to get a feel for it, and even that isn't exact.
I'm trying to talk the old man into getting me on the King Ranch via one of his hook ups for a Nilgai hut. Probably some of the best game meat I've ever had.
I'm trying to talk the old man into getting me on the King Ranch via one of his hook ups for a Nilgai hut. Probably some of the best game meat I've ever had.
Just got back from a long weekend at the ranch. The rut was in full swing so the big bucks where in full dumbass mode.
190" deer walked right by me, head down on a hot doe
This guy is a 203" beast (way to gnarly for my taste) He has an infection under his antler that isnt getting any better, the ranch bilogist said that it may kill him or it may destroy the socket
There were a lot of Dad's that took their kids hunting this past weekend there, the coolest thing was to how excited they were when they shot their first deer, or first buck. I CANT wait till my son it a bit older