did you get this at the FTW show Saturday?
I'm thinking about going out there in the morning with my cousin and he suggested this for CCW
mind saying how much you got it for?
I'm curious about what you paid too. Went with a buddy and he was hard-core trying to find a deal on the LC9 but the lowest we could find one NEW was $309 plus tax. Went to the range later and shot my new Kel-Tec PF9 and it went thru about 30 Federal FMJ's, 20 or so Winchester white box FMJ's, and a handful of Federal PDX hollow points without a glitch. Feisty little 9mm but not as bad as I expected.
I'm going to be looking into the PF9 and LC9 both. I hear they are close to the same but different too.
They are both great guns. I've shot both. The Ruger is a prettier gun and looks better made....but for the money I'd take the PF9 and add a +1 mag. extension (turns it into an 8+1 gun). I couldn't tell a difference in accuracy between the two. The PF9 has been on the market for a LONG time (since 06 I think), while the Ruger LC9 has only been out for a little over a year I believe. Early PF9's had some issues but Kel-Tec backs up their guns (used or new) with a lifetime warranty and they were pretty friendly to me on the phone when I called em. I picked up my PF9 at the Lewisville show last week for $220 out the door with an extra magazine. For the money the PF9 is unbeatable.
Good little pistols. Although beware, Dan (baylordjr) on here bought one for his wife and the thing would not fire. The culprit turned out to be some sort of media in the firing pin channel preventing it from getting a full on primer strike. To be safe if I were you I would take out the firing pin and hit the channel with some goo gone and then some rem-oil.
Perhaps Dan will chime in with what he did to fix his. He did say that now the gun is running 100% though.
Originally posted by lincolnboy
After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.
did you get this at the FTW show Saturday?
I'm thinking about going out there in the morning with my cousin and he suggested this for CCW
mind saying how much you got it for?
Good little pistols. Although beware, Dan (baylordjr) on here bought one for his wife and the thing would not fire. The culprit turned out to be some sort of media in the firing pin channel preventing it from getting a full on primer strike. To be safe if I were you I would take out the firing pin and hit the channel with some goo gone and then some rem-oil.
Perhaps Dan will chime in with what he did to fix his. He did say that now the gun is running 100% though.
noted. heading to the range here in a few minutes to get more some seat time with it.
My father-in-law has an LC9. It's accurate, reliable, and easy to conceal but I dislike the trigger and the tiny safety.
There are better options out there if you're willing to spend a little more.
With that said, congrats on your gun purchase. :-)
There are quite a few subcompact 9mm's out that would be just as good but I don't understand why some people badmouth or look down on the little Kel Tec or Ruger when they work great. The Khar PM9 runs about 500-600 bucks on avg...and I could buy 2 pf9's + accessories for that price. To each their own I guess