We had a company get together at my boss's land, plenty of good food, drinks, and outdoor fun. He was going to have some skeet shooting setup, and I mentioned that I should bring out an AR for people to shoot and he was all over it. So I got to run a bunch of 5.56 through my corporate card, and got a lot of people that have never handled any type of firearm some trigger time with an AR. Overall I think everyone had a really good time, and it may have even changed a few minds about firearms. Plus I came back with a little left over ammo and a bag full of brass
Anyways, it is always nice seeing someone that is anti-gun grinning ear to ear after running through a mag or two.
I also learned that it has been way too long since I last went skeet shooting. I still shot pretty damn well, but I had forgotten how much fun it is!

I also learned that it has been way too long since I last went skeet shooting. I still shot pretty damn well, but I had forgotten how much fun it is!