Every swinging dick out there has a tacticool carbine with a 16 inch barrel and cheap magpul furniture. Dare to be different and do up a 20 inch barreled gun so you get the longer sight radius, higher bullet velocity, etc.
would I come out cheaper piecing together the upper? It would lead to alot more "how to" questions but that would be easier to work with my budget since I get paid monthly and have other priorities.
I'm thinking of just going with someone like Spikes Tactical or Palmetto and just buying the rest of the parts from one source a little at a time.
Spikes shows to have 1 upper that has no forward assist...but I don't know what that means.
I could probably go with the longer barrel, but if that equates to more $$, then the 16" will serve its purpose. But that stock has to go...
you'd get what you want by building it yourself. buy a receiver block, vice if you dont have one already, barrel and castle nut wrench and a good set of roll pin punches.
if you buy the MI barrel nut wrench, have a friend weld the pins before you attempt using it. for whatever reason MI doesnt do this from the factory and the pins walk when you start putting torque on the wrench.
[IMG]Every swinging dick out there has a tacticool carbine with a 16 inch barrel and cheap magpul furniture. Dare to be different and do up a 20 inch barreled gun so you get the longer sight radius, higher bullet velocity, etc.
A4 is good.............unless you have to wear gear or body armor. Without the adjustable length of pull it sucks trying to shoot it while wearing combat gear. You can work around it by moving the ACOG back and forth on the rail but for some smaller folks (females for instance) with short arms they just can't use it effectively at all.
Oh and I'm a guy with a 14.5 (perm attached phantom) with a few MAGPUL pieces. :P
If I was going to do a 20 inch build I'd personally put a collapsible stock on it so I could adjust the LOP as needed. But I like adjustability. And you wanna talk about bastardized looking lol. They do look odd to saythe least.
The longer the barrel the better the terminal ballistics at range. You can keep the round moving faster out of the longer barrels. Some also argue (I'd Agree) that you gain some reliability with a longer barrel and the original to the design rifle length gas system instead of the shorter more "violent" action of the carbine and mid length gas systems.
Guess the real question is what do you want to use this for? Home defense, hunting, target shooting, carbine/rifle classes, ect ect?
Mine gets used for everything from sitting next to my bed at night to hunting for hogs, coyotes, and deer to target shooting to defensive classes ect.
Personally I think the shorter carbines are more versatile an you can still hit targets out to 500 yards with them. We do it once a year and some folks are using the M4s (SNCOs and Officers).
Also another quick note
M16A3-Is the Full auto version of the M16A2. IIRC the Navy requested a full auto model so they dropped a full auto fire control group into it and called it the A3.
M16A4-Is the flat top model as pictured above and issued to Marine SGTs and below..........at least that's how it's spelled out in the order Actual practice is a bit different.
The only thing I can think of now that I'd like to change is the hand gaurd..I'd prefer a railed but will probably have to add it later, if ever.
The PSA has the chrome lined barrel. You don't necessarily need chrome line, but it helps with ease of maintance. Also, I'd go with PSA because they made the lower GB possible, that should be reason enough.
Its just an m16a4. It is the standard issue rifle of the United States Marine Corps and some army units.
In short, the A2 had a fixed carry handle, the A3 had a removable carry handle, and the A4 retains the removable carry handle but also adds a knights armament quad rail.
I like the 20 inch rifles better than the shorter versions.
Not entirely correct. A3 is just a full-auto A2, but lacking the "burst" fire mode. Any flat-top can technically have a removable carry handle, but all flat-tops regardless if they have a removable handle or not are A4s.
*Edit* Fuck just saw Downs beat me to it. But yea, it was a Navy thing. IIRC it was the SEALs that wanted it
I love my A2 though! Its a bunch of fun and haven't had a single issue except for one crappy steel mag (wasn't the rifle's fault) that wouldn't feed right. I put it together on the cheap and couldn't be happier! Plus there is absolutely nothing stopping you from having multiple uppers for the single lower (as long as the buffer is correct)
Out of all the AR15's I have my favorite is my A1 build. I love the shit out of it.
There may still be some Colt M16A1 parts kits still out there, they use to sell for $500, but last time I saw them they were around $700. Comes with every single piece of an M16A1 except for the disconnector and lower receiver.
"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler
There is something fun about a iron sighted ar. I have more fun shooting iron sighted guns vs red dots/scopes.
Very true.
Damn good looking AR CJ. But that really isn't gonna work out since that light gray upper will look so shitty with the dark black lower from the GB. Any A1 build needs a Nodak Spud lower
If I ever get around to building an A1 clone, its gonna be a slick side upper 20"