I know what ur saying. Its not my primary bag it's mostly used an a pistol range bag.
my primary bag is the maxpedition sitka. Backpack. The "purse" with the Glock. Will help me shoot my way home to my rifles and backpack. But I definitely get ur point.
What is the purpose of single strap backpacks? I assume they are designed that way for a specific reason but they just look like even a medium weighted load would be uncomfortable.
I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.
Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.
I would become an x-man hang out in some serious radiation for a while!! lol if shit happens it does.. i have a couple guns to protect me and if my future militia doesnt make it... oh well.. maybe it wasnt meant to be
water from a hot water heater isn't the best supply of potable water, unless you have a way to get it from the top of the tank. if you use the spout on the bottom of the tank, you are going to find the years of crap that has settled and separated from the water.
It would be frighteningly easy to pull from the top or run the tap water through a filter. Even FEMA lists this as one of the safe sources for emergency water in their emergency literature and planning guides.
Obviously the BEST is bottled water...but who wants to store all that ish? I mean a few cases will get you a week or 2 depending on how many people you have...but it'll take 25 cases to replace 80+ gallons of water.
Being that most of you would consider me to be on the sticks already and having several properties with dwellings already, I / we would prepare for the onslaught of city dwellers rushing to the "country". Sadly you'd be meant with severe prejudice and likely picked off before you got close enough to matter. There are a very few exceptions to this, mostly being close friends usually well armed and useful.
"Don't Shoot! It's just me and my posse!"
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776
Massive civil unrest/looting? Well, I bet other places get looted before downtown. Really just a few residence buildings and offices down here. I bet the malls and highland park get the worst of it.
I got dibs on the Beretta store!
Originally posted by MR EDD
U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.
It would be frighteningly easy to pull from the top or run the tap water through a filter. Even FEMA lists this as one of the safe sources for emergency water in their emergency literature and planning guides.
Obviously the BEST is bottled water...but who wants to store all that ish? I mean a few cases will get you a week or 2 depending on how many people you have...but it'll take 25 cases to replace 80+ gallons of water.
Good point, some coffee filters would take care of most of the sediment.
It would be frighteningly easy to pull from the top or run the tap water through a filter. Even FEMA lists this as one of the safe sources for emergency water in their emergency literature and planning guides.
Obviously the BEST is bottled water...but who wants to store all that ish? I mean a few cases will get you a week or 2 depending on how many people you have...but it'll take 25 cases to replace 80+ gallons of water.