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Street robberies and you - The Basics

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  • Downs
    I always just let the cops know "my license is in my right back pocket, my insurance is in the glove box, I have a CHL and my pistol is in "X" spot"

    I've been disarmed, told ok get your stuff, told step out of the car and then he disarmed me, and a few others. Just like Jason said do what you're told make your movements slow and deliberate and until he tells you to get your shit keep your hands in plain view.

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  • kingjason
    We have a saying in LE that relates to this article. I would rather be judged by twelve than carried by six.

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  • kingjason
    Originally posted by ram57ta View Post
    At your house is a bit different than out on the street..not sure if I'd call the cops or not since Castle Doctrine covers you in your home. Several months back when shit was going south with my tenants I showed up to make a repair to the front door to my house (pre-arranged and they knew I was coming), and my tenant still felt he needed to stand over me and my brother-in-law with a pistol in his back pocket as if to let me know he was the boss. I knew that he was legally entitled to do it so I didn't say anything...but it wasn't a smart move when he owed me 2 months back rent. He and his bitch neanderthal wife were served eviction papers later that week.
    I would like to say that most LE could care less if you have a gun, we just don't like surprises. I had a guy tell me when I stopped him "my insurance is in my glove box but I got a gun in there". I asked him if he thought that was such a good idea at this point and he said no. He then told me the gun wasn’t loaded and I walked around and grabbed his insurance out of his glove box then closed it. I went back to my car and ran him and he was clear and I let him make it with a warning. I told him he was retarded for having a gun and not having one in the pipe. Most people that will tell us they have a gun are not trying to do us any harm. I say if you are in fear of being robbed to do what you got to do. I have been on a few of them calls. Hell we had a guy shooting at a car one day while we were on the other side of a tree line. Car came out with flats and we put them out at gun point. Then dispatch told us it was the business owner shooting at the car just on the other side of the trees and they were trying to steal from him. We had dispatch tell him to put his gun away and then approached him like a normal complainant. We didn’t even take his gun, fuck them idiot thieves. Just like the article stated pretty much, bad people are not going to call the cops. I have flashed my shit off duty more than once and never called the local police. I will say this though, be prepared on the random chance that some non joe shit bag saw you flash your shit, you might be put on the ground at gun point. Just do what you’re told and be very cooperative and chances are you will be fine. You just never know which officer you’re going to get and what’s going to happen but being very pleasant and not reaching anywhere near your waist band or pocket will go a long way for your safety. If an officer gets out on me I would raise my hands and do what he told me. If I need to get on the ground and be cuffed so be it. It is not wise to argue with LE when they are focused on you having a gun and flashing it.

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    Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
    Jose should confuse you too, because he said the same thing. We are agreeing with you.

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  • SS Junk
    Jose should confuse you too, because he said the same thing. We are agreeing with you.

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    Originally posted by DON SVO View Post
    Some buddies hypothesized that with my nice car, nice clothes, sunglasses, shaved head, extended weak side hand and loud gruff command to back off, I looked like a cop. I laughed and said, "I wonder if the stance, shirt pulled up behind me and a chicken-winged left arm pulling a .40 cal G27 had something to say?"
    Originally posted by DON SVO View Post
    That's why I said I'm pretty sure he was adept at picking up body/positioning cues.
    Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
    Absolutely, that you were armed. Not because he thought you were a cop.
    You confuse me sometimes. In my first post I even said I'm pretty sure he realized I was hands-on with my CCW and reiterated it in my second post, you again say "yeah he probably knew you were armed" like this is some revelation you alone came to... Whatever.

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  • Rick Modena
    Originally posted by Jose View Post
    It's all a part of living in the hood with a CHL. Nothing new for me.
    You and I have have been in the situation and its good to see that both of knew exactly what was going on and what we needed to do.

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  • Jose
    Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
    Believe that shit! If you walk up on me and got the draw, I deserve it...
    It's all a part of living in the hood with a CHL. Nothing new for me.

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  • KBScobravert
    To - from work and in between, my pistol is displayed for the douche bags of the world to see. I live the look I get from the thug wanna be in his flat bill hat an gold teef.

    "Smile, be polite and have a plan to kill everyone you meet" unknown author

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2

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  • Rick Modena
    Originally posted by Cooter View Post
    haven't had near the experience you have, but I'm always on swivel/always on alert
    Believe that shit! If you walk up on me and got the draw, I deserve it...

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  • Downs
    Originally posted by red95gts View Post
    He starts off with "Lately in GD...."

    Anyone know where this guy lives? Just curious.

    He's referring to the General Discussion board on the ARFCOM forums. The GD forum is a hotbed of randomness over there lol.

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  • Jose
    Good read Don, wouldn't have done anything different. And I do not think you were a cop otherwise he wouldn't have followed you outside, I just think he thought you were an easy mark but you turned the tables on him.

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  • Jose
    Originally posted by GhostTX View Post
    165grain??? Pussy.
    As opposed to a 180 grain bullet?

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  • SS Junk
    Originally posted by DON SVO View Post
    That's why I said I'm pretty sure he was adept at picking up body/positioning cues.
    Absolutely, that you were armed. Not because he thought you were a cop.

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  • GhostTX
    Originally posted by DON SVO View Post
    ... God bless Texas, the Castle Doctrine, a spotless record and 165gr 40cal Hydro Shok personal defense rounds.
    165grain??? Pussy.

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