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wierd problem with my new Sightron scope

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  • wierd problem with my new Sightron scope

    I'm having trouble telling why the recticle appears off
    so far :

    first i mounted scope by level on top of elevation turret
    sighted in , shot great into 1" roughly
    then my friend looked at it and noticed the recticle is counter clockwise a hair.

    so I remounted scope this time verifying visually the crosshairs are perfectly up and down compared to rifle.
    Then I noticed it. The turrets seem to be off a small amount.
    So I didn't sight it in thinking recticle to turret misalignment. Kind of pissed off, I figured I could just warranty replace it or similar with sightron

    I put the scope in a vise and take the turrets caps off
    then I started noticing that the level on the knobs themselves (cap off) seems to be much closer to correct.

    Anyone ever seen such a thing ? to me I think it could be just the turret caps and associated threads are off.

    I'll confirm it tonight X3 , otherwise I guess warranty it.

    Are you supposed to setup the scope with the turret caps on , or off ?

    This is on an AR-10, so to level the gun I have been using either the front gas block , or preferable the verticle flat spot on the lower receiver (mag well)

  • #2
    Depending on the height of the scope off of the rail you can use feeler gauge set. This will level the body of the scope. Then using a plum bob or anything you can prove is straight look at it through the scope and check your retical. If it is off send it back!!!
    "The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those
    who vote for a living."


    • #3
      I always level with the covers off.

      Id get another scope.


      • #4
        Another way to level the gun is to get something that you know is straight and flat. Run it under the scope on top of the rail and use a rubber band run under the gun and back the the other side of the object to secure it to the rail. Place your level on this and level the gun then level the scope with caps off.

        Or buy a reticle leveler from brownells or midway USA. It will work the same by putting it on the scope base/rail the. Secure with a rubber band. The leveler has paddles that stick up on either side of your scope with horizontal lines. Match your reticle to the same line on each paddle and you scope should be square with your gun.
        "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776


        • #5
          yeah i checked again , like 3 more times.
          it's off for sure. not a lot but enough to piss me off i have to send it all back and shit
          thanks for the suggestions
          i ended up hanging a string, putting it in a soft vise and lineing up both sides of the recticle one by one, then checking the level on the turrets without the caps on .
          both were off.
          I even verified with a different bubble level that was a little better.
          what a total fucking waste of 3-4 hours now on this scope.


          • #6
            Send it back Sightron is said to have a great warrenty. Also which model was it.
            "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


            • #7
              Yeah im sending it back pronto.
              model was Sightron SII Big sky 4-12x42mm
              i really liked the scope overall, so I hope i get no grief and they take care of the problem.
              i tried researching again online if they have had any quality control problems and there wasn't a lot of people saying there was. So it just looks like I'm the unlucky one.


              • #8
                so sightron finally sent it back with a note saying the warranty dept found nothing wrong.
                I'm not going to lie, that definitely pissed me off...

                any ways, so I set up the scope in a vise with the recticle square with a hanging bob
                then i dialed in two whole turns of UP (30 MOA) .
                I couldn't discern any horizontal off from my hanging bob, so I give up I guess.
                I went ahead and remounted on the AR-10 , will zero again. Try some 175g BTHP match ammo too.

                Anyways , the TURRETS ARE DEFINITELY OFF with the reticle straight!
                shit pisses me off, but if it tracks accurately I guess I really don't give a shit.
                the instructions that come with the scope do clearly say to use the turrets to level the scope too. Total nonsense, not impressed with Sightron at this point.

                Only more testing will really tell if I have any problems or not. Considering I have little interest in shooting past 800yrds MAX, and more than likely will be <600yrds. Won't be much of a stretch for the scope to do whatever I will dial. It just pisses me off I basically paid 350 bucks for a scope you can visually now tell the turrets are off when mounted correct on the gun. I know im being picky...
                Last edited by futant; 02-03-2012, 10:31 AM.

