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So lets talk 10/22's again

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  • #31
    Oh, and here is some pron.
    Stock .22 with cheapo 3-9x40, federal bulk ammo


    • #32
      Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View Post
      Oh, and here is some pron.
      Stock .22 with cheapo 3-9x40, federal bulk ammo
      out of curiosity.. what distance was that?


      • #33
        Originally posted by Stephen View Post
        out of curiosity.. what distance was that?
        I normally write it on the target. 50y


        • #34
          Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
          as much as it pains me to say, i agree with adam.

          god bless.
          I agree with him too and hes completely right, but in the context of this thread he really is just running his mouth. Good job Adam, you're so spot on its crazy. But what fucking good does it do the OP? He wants a super cheap rifle.

          When you get to the bleeding edge of everything, it ALWAYS WITHOUT FAIL gets exponentially more expensive. But he wants a cheap plinker. There is ABSOLUTELY no reason to use any of those spendy shiny parts like Kidd or VQ when you want a sub-$500 gun.

          So go be your eternally-correct self somewhere else. You're not of any use here.

          And really.... stumpfucker? cocksucker? Stay classy Adam


          • #35
            Originally posted by bottlerocket View Post
            I agree with him too and hes completely right, but in the context of this thread he really is just running his mouth. Good job Adam, you're so spot on its crazy. But what fucking good does it do the OP? He wants a super cheap rifle.

            When you get to the bleeding edge of everything, it ALWAYS WITHOUT FAIL gets exponentially more expensive. But he wants a cheap plinker. There is ABSOLUTELY no reason to use any of those spendy shiny parts like Kidd or VQ when you want a sub-$500 gun.

            So go be your eternally-correct self somewhere else. You're not of any use here.

            And really.... stumpfucker? cocksucker? Stay classy Adam
            Did anyone tell the guy to buy an aftermarket receiver? You started spouting off about how they were useless and of no better quality than a ruger part. Ultimately, thats top end gear, so of course he doesn't need one, but that doesn't mean that the only difference is the price tag. You are a flag waving hk elitist, but youre talking down about high end shit because it doesn't fit your needs.


            • #36
              stephen, find you a 10/22, buy the barrel tony has for sale, bore out the original stock to hold the .920 barrel, chop the original stock off at the barrel band, buy you a cheap leapers red/green dot i you will be happy. i'll text you some pics of mine. i am very happy with it, although i have a different scope on this one with the .920 barrel.

              god bless.
              It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


              • #37
                Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View Post
                Oh, and here is some pron.
                Stock .22 with cheapo 3-9x40, federal bulk ammo
                A bolt action? Do not understand comparison.
                "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                • #38
                  Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
                  stephen, find you a 10/22, buy the barrel tony has for sale, bore out the original stock to hold the .920 barrel, chop the original stock off at the barrel band, buy you a cheap leapers red/green dot i you will be happy. i'll text you some pics of mine. i am very happy with it, although i have a different scope on this one with the .920 barrel.

                  god bless.
                  This, plus a hogue overmolded stock if you like that sort of thing would be a great toy. Truth be told, some of those factory ruger barrels are very good, so I would start with the rifle and go from there based on what you want.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by 5.0_CJ View Post
                    A bolt action? Do not understand comparison.
                    No comparison, just a little evidence that I have some experience in the matter. (to shut chris up, so that he doesn't keep spreading misinformation)


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View Post
                      Did anyone tell the guy to buy an aftermarket receiver? You started spouting off about how they were useless and of no better quality than a ruger part. Ultimately, thats top end gear, so of course he doesn't need one, but that doesn't mean that the only difference is the price tag. You are a flag waving hk elitist, but youre talking down about high end shit because it doesn't fit your needs.
                      Lol yep and I also clearly stated that those receivers have no place on a budget gun as well. If you open your eyes a bit and read the post about how unless you're building a $1000+ competition rifle its completely unnecessary. The conversation just fell into sarcasm after that. Thanks for taking me so seriously though! And good work at getting another poke in about the HK elitist thing. Thats not a dead horse at all.

                      Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View Post
                      No comparison, just a little evidence that I have some experience in the matter. (to shut chris up, so that he doesn't keep spreading misinformation)
                      Yes, good, at least you have SOME goals in life.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by bottlerocket View Post

                        Yes, good, at least you have SOME goals in life.
                        I could aspire to fuck over most of my long term friends, post arrogantly about things I have little knowledge of on the internet and be an elitist prick. You could give me plenty of pointers on those subjects!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View Post
                          I could aspire to fuck over most of my long term friends, post arrogantly about things I have little knowledge of on the internet and be an elitist prick. You could give me plenty of pointers on those subjects!
                          Holy crap drama queen. I assume you're insinuating that I have fucked over most of my long term friends. Not sure how you came to that conclusion, but try again. Post arrogantly, yep, I can be arrogant at times. I guess you're never arrogant at all lol. You definitely don't need lessons about that from me. Elitist prick, oh noes because I enjoy my HK over another brand? Lol get over yourself.

                          Back on topic...

                          Stephen, if you wanna build up a "tacticool" 10/22, unfortunately there isnt a whole lot of useful advice here. There are lots of ways to build up anything from a bargain basement 10/22 like ELVIS explained, its a fun rifle like that but probably not what you're looking for.

                          Honestly there are tons of options for stocks out there. I'd definitely suggest heading over to rimfirecentral to check out their "ultimate 10/22" picture threads. There are TONS of pics that might inspire you. Simplest tacticool option I could think of would be the Hogue OM stock, red dot, some kind of threaded barrel and do us all a favor and do some work on that trigger or replace it. There are tons of how-to's on 10/22 trigger jobs so give it a swing. You can always just get a replacement group if it gets screwed up. But best case you come out with a "free" tuned up trigger.

                          The more money you throw at it the more you can do. Just keep an eye on sales or classifieds and figure out what to do first.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by 5.0_CJ View Post
                            I've learned quite a bit about guns over the last several years and I've learned what is worth the money and what isn't. What actually produces results and what doesn't. I've shot everything through the same hole with only a barrel change on several 10/22's so I'm not sold on the receiver. And when you tighten tolerances on a 22 you get a less reliable rifle. On a center fire that would make sense, on a dirty ass 22 rifle, that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. If you can get a sub 1/4" MOA on a factory receiver with a barrel change, why would you spend a bunch of money to an increase in jams because of a tighter tolerance? It seems to me like an excellent way to take unsuspecting peoples money. I do not see how you could get more accurate (or why you would want to) on a .22 rimfire. Where was that post with Alex's 10/22? That thing only had a barrel and it was shooting sub 1/2" MOA and we were just screwing around.
                            One thing to point out - tighter machining tolerances doesn't mean less clearance if the dimensions aren't changed, it just means less variability in the parts and smoother surfaces, so I'd have to disagree on the reliability part. I would agree that a barrel is where the money should be spent but then again I don't shoot competitively so I can't comment on the 10/22 receivers.
                            Atlantic Blue '00 - '03 Cobra motor and TKO600, solid axle, full MM suspension
                            Silver '01 Vette - D1 blown LS


                            • #44
                              OP, personally I would start with a stock 10/22 and then go from there. Sell your takeoff parts to make some money back. The stock receiver should be fine for your purpose, even a stock barrel can be pretty accurate.

                              It might have already been mentiond, but check out if you have a little time, they have a whole Tactical section where you can see examples and get ideas.

                              For the mags, I would buy some butler creek "steel lips" or "hot lips" 25 rounders. The steel lips are supposed to be more reliable, but I have had no problems with my hot lips (plastic). These are a clear plastic, but you could always paint them black. Ruger sells a black 25 rounder, but it is more expensive than the butler creeks.

                              I'm not a fan of the tactical 22's myself, but post up pics when you are done, there bound to be a few people on here that will like it.
                              "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
                              -Gerald Ford/Thomas Jefferson


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Trick Pony View Post
                                One thing to point out - tighter machining tolerances doesn't mean less clearance if the dimensions aren't changed, it just means less variability in the parts and smoother surfaces, so I'd have to disagree on the reliability part. I would agree that a barrel is where the money should be spent but then again I don't shoot competitively so I can't comment on the 10/22 receivers.
                                You can polish anything? Doesn't make any sense. All of my internals in my receiver are polished - and it's a factory receiver. If you're not changing dimensions it's even more useless than first discussed.
                                "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                                "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler

