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need advice on pricing

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  • need advice on pricing

    need to unload a couple guns because they are illegal in California, or the magazine capacity is, because im moving back and i need the cash. Not super sure on what i should ask, so i figured id ask here. all are in mint condition and look as new.

    Stag AR15 oprics ready model with magpul moe stock, handguard and shorty fore grip with ergo pistol grip, burris fastfireII, 2 30 rd pmags, and 1 usgi mag, and a soft case. Maybe 3-400 rounds through it IIRC

    Glock 23 Gen3 with 5 factory 13rd mags, and one 30rd aftermarket mag, along with 60 or so rounds of defense ammo. have original case and all paperwork.

    Savage mkII .22 with laminated stock and heavy barrel, not the stainless model. has the bushnell 3-9x40 scope that came on it. has maybe 1500 rounds through it

    GSG 1911 .22, non tactical model. Currently awaiting replacement barrel bushing from ATI on this one, and it may not be here in time, so i may just keep it and buy a cali compliant barrel for it when i get there. need to check on the legality of doing that though. apprx 1k rounds through it

    Old remington 870 wingmaster 20GA.. little rough around the edges, but works. occasionally has problems feeding ammo, but not when i used high brass. unknown round count, but probably a fuck ton.
    Last edited by Pro88LX; 12-02-2011, 11:45 AM.

  • #2
    I just sold the GSG 1911 .22 that I purchased from Adam for $360.00 on guntrader, I think I paid that or $340.00 when I bought it and I also upgraded the barrel bushing on it. It sold within 1 day.


    • #3
      Yeah, prices on texasguntrader are fucking ridiculous, so throw it up there for $50 higher than you want and you'll probably get it.


      • #4
        I know you need the money for the move, but if you wanted to keep any of those guns you could always just take them apart. It is illegal to have the gun, not gun parts in CA. Also as long as they are in a hard case with a lock the cops can not search the gun. You are following the law by having it in a locked case. When I lived in CA I had an AR and AK never got hassled cause they always were in a locked case.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Chvyblzr1972 View Post
          I know you need the money for the move, but if you wanted to keep any of those guns you could always just take them apart. It is illegal to have the gun, not gun parts in CA. Also as long as they are in a hard case with a lock the cops can not search the gun. You are following the law by having it in a locked case. When I lived in CA I had an AR and AK never got hassled cause they always were in a locked case.
          yeah, id rather have the money than guns i cant ever use just sitting there.


          • #6
            For the pistols and the Savage MKII can't you just get rid of your high cap mags and buy 10-rounders? Also, I have a couple 13 round Glock 23 mags that are older than the ban and should be legal in CA. Wonder if they are marked? I could trade you if you wanted.
            Atlantic Blue '00 - '03 Cobra motor and TKO600, solid axle, full MM suspension
            Silver '01 Vette - D1 blown LS


            • #7
              Originally posted by Trick Pony View Post
              For the pistols and the Savage MKII can't you just get rid of your high cap mags and buy 10-rounders? Also, I have a couple 13 round Glock 23 mags that are older than the ban and should be legal in CA. Wonder if they are marked? I could trade you if you wanted.
              i could, but at this point, i'm working on a short time frame and need the $$.. those guns are all easily replaceable.


              • #8
                How much do you want for the g23 and Savage?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by vadertt View Post
                  How much do you want for the g23 and Savage?
                  500 for the glock with all the mags and ammo, it looks brand new. I forgot to put in the first post that it is a gen 3.

                  savage is spoken for.


                  • #10
                    ok, make sense. That is like middle of the road for a new g23 depending on options (night sights and so forth) lowest is actually $449.00 and then ffl transfer.

                    Does yours have night sights?


                    • #11
                      Glock 23's are (even if it looks brand new) in the $400 - $450 range.

                      I bought three barely used police trade-ins. They were used by the female officers and were never used except for quals. They even had sequential serial #'s. I sold two for $450 each...ended up making the third (the one I kept) $267.

                      Just informing you what I got for mine. My ads included (3) hi-cap LEO mags, Mag loader and hard case as $500 may be a bit high.

                      Edit: All of mine came with DIM night sights...they barely worked but they worked. And a tip to get more people to look/offer on your G23 is to white letter it. Makes it look 150% better. I WL'd all my Glocks and people were texting/emailing quickly.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by IHaveAMustang View Post
                        Glock 23's are (even if it looks brand new) in the $400 - $450 range.

                        I bought three barely used police trade-ins. They were used by the female officers and were never used except for quals. They even had sequential serial #'s. I sold two for $450 each...ended up making the third (the one I kept) $267.

                        Just informing you what I got for mine. My ads included (3) hi-cap LEO mags, Mag loader and hard case as $500 may be a bit high.

                        Edit: All of mine came with DIM night sights...they barely worked but they worked. And a tip to get more people to look/offer on your G23 is to white letter it. Makes it look 150% better. I WL'd all my Glocks and people were texting/emailing quickly.
                        Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I was about to offer $400, but I didn't want to come off as a dick so I asked.

                        BTW, I sold my g33 last year (uncommon/unwanted caliber) to a friend of a board member for $400 iirc, 2mags, 2peirce grip extensions, extended mag and slide release, upgraded trigger and trigger bar (unknown brand) Trijicon NS's, box/original paperwork and a wolf extra power recoil spring.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
                          need to unload a couple guns because they are illegal in California, or the magazine capacity is, because im moving back and i need the cash.
                          Sorry to hear it bro. I will really miss hanging out with you. I hope it all works out and things get better for you. If you need anything gimme a call.


                          • #14
                            The Glock is perfectly legal out here, just sell the mags, and pick up a couple 10 rounders like I did. Same with the 1911. If you need the money that's fine, but don't sell because they are illegal, because they aren't.


                            • #15
                              well i have about 50 dollars worth of ammo and over 100 dollars worth of extra mags so i don't think i'm too far off. if someone was to offer 450 for everything id probably take it. 425-450 has been the going rate from what i've seen for just the gun.

