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Thumbs up to familygunfun for UTAH Non-Resident CHL

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  • #16
    Originally posted by FullSizeMike View Post
    I also took Brad's class early in the year. I did it for the time factor. We actually went over the TX CHL test when we were finished. There wasn't anything on it we hadn't covered. I can and have shot my whole life, so not shooting wasn't a big deal. I did learn several things from his class that I wouldn't have thought about. For the record NRA members have access to council. I've given my Utah non res license to several leo's during traffic stops and have had no probs.
    He has an excellent curriculum and a fun and engaging teaching style. Covers Texas and Utah CHL laws in detail. Answers any and all question to your satisfaction. And also provides information that exceeds the scope of the curriculum. And even though there is not range time. You have to demonstrate a certain level of proficiency in firearm safety.

    This guys knows his stuff. Background in law enforcement and also will offer firearms training for anyone who doesn't have experience or would just like a refresher.

    Discusses a lot of different scenarios and how to handle confrontation. Stop, control, and neutralize. That's the main objective. And he emphasizes the dangers and potential liability of third party intervention. Not leaving your secure tactical area. This guy's class is not for those who are trigger happy zealots. He doesn't support aggressive tactics, especially involving robbery. Even during the nighttime. He's has a very pragmatic point of view regarding CHL. And how you can use certain techniques to diffuse a situation without having to pull the trigger. The most interesting part of the class is how to handle 911 calls. And what to do and what not to do after you are Mirandized.
    Last edited by LS1Goat; 12-09-2010, 10:36 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
      The concealed carry shooting portion is a joke.
      Yup, and Brad discusses the reasoning behind that in class in regards to the Texas CHL class range time.
      Last edited by LS1Goat; 12-09-2010, 10:33 PM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post
        Rick Perry signed the reciprocity agreement into law. And he just got re-elected. As for people not having proficiency, I've been shooting/hunting handling firearms since I was 12. Same goes for the others in my class based on our discussion.
        That does not mean that there is not some legislator preparing a bill to remove the loophole, or that Rick Perry specifically likes this either.

        I'd be willing to bet that the reciprocity law was passed as a whole, and not a Utah bill passed specifically.


        • #19
          Do you have a link to his course? I am wanting to go through the steps to get my CHL this trip home. Anyone up to take a course together? I am going to try and talk my wife into it also.

          I can actually take the UTAH CHL here in Afghanistan on Bagram there is a certified instructor here but I would like my wife to go through the class with me.
          Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


          • #20
            Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
            Do you have a link to his course? I am wanting to go through the steps to get my CHL this trip home. Anyone up to take a course together? I am going to try and talk my wife into it also.

            I can actually take the UTAH CHL here in Afghanistan on Bagram there is a certified instructor here but I would like my wife to go through the class with me.


            • #21
              Well that would be too easy.

              A search for the flyer here on base for the certified instructor yeilded negative results.
              Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


              • #22
                So whats the benefit of a Utah chl over a Texas one? Besides saving some time and a few dollars?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by David View Post
                  So whats the benefit of a Utah chl over a Texas one? Besides saving some time and a few dollars?
                  Time and money is the benefit.
                  G'Day Mate


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Grimpala View Post
                    Time and money is the benefit.


                    • #25
                      I'll just get my Texas CHL and not worry about it.


                      • #26
                        I would think that if you ever have to use it then the responding officers might raise a red flag if you have an out of state CHL and a TX dl. That's my main reason for not doing this already.
                        G'Day Mate


                        • #27
                          Just sayin...


                          Originally posted by FullSizeMike View Post
                          I can and have shot my whole life, so not shooting wasn't a big deal.
                          Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post
                          As for people not having proficiency, I've been shooting/hunting handling firearms since I was 12. Same goes for the others in my class based on our discussion.
                          Than this does not apply to you.

                          Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                          I'm really not liking this way around the Texas CHL.

                          No range time? The thought of having people out there with a license that did not have to demonstrate ANY kind of proficiency scares me.
                          And I agree, it is dangerous for EVERYONE to let someone with NO range/firearm familiarization time carry. This includes the individual carrying the firearm. Can't think of much anything worse than having your own firearm used against you because you don't know how to operate it properly.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Grimpala View Post
                            I would think that if you ever have to use it then the responding officers might raise a red flag if you have an out of state CHL and a TX dl. That's my main reason for not doing this already.

                            The State of Texas
                            The State of Utah
                            concerning Concealed Handgun Permit Reciprocity
                            WHEREAS, the State of Texas has the authority to issue a Concealed Handgun
                            License pursuant to V.T.C.A. Government Code § 411, Subchapter H; and
                            WHEREAS, the State of Utah has the authority to issue a Concealed Firearm Permit
                            pursuant to U.C.A. 1953 § 53, Chapter 5, Part 7; and
                            WHEREAS, the State of Texas is authorized to recognize the validity of a nonresident
                            concealed handgun license if the Texas Attorney General determines that a
                            background check of each applicant for a license issued by the other state is conducted
                            by state or local authorities, or agent thereof, before the license is issued to determine
                            the applicants' eligibility to possess a firearm under the Federal Gun Control Act (18
                            U.S.C. § 922);
                            WHEREAS, the Texas Attorney General has made such affirmative determination with
                            respect to the State of Utah; and
                            WHEREAS, the State of Texas is therefore authorized to recognize the validity of Utah
                            Concealed Firearm Permits pursuant to V.T.C.A. Governrnent Code § 411.173 (b); and
                            WHEREAS, the State of Utah is authorized to recognize the validity of a nonresident
                            concealed handgun license pursuant to U.C.A. 1953 § 76-10-523 (2) (b); and
                            WHEREAS, Concealed Handgun License reciprocity between Texas and Utah is thus
                            supported by the laws of both states;

                            NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do hereby agree as follows:
                            1. The State of Texas shall give full faith and credit to valid Concealed Firearm
                            Permits issued by the State of Utah, except as limited below; and
                            2. The State of Utah shall give full faith and credit to valid Concealed Handgun

                            Licenses issued by the State of Texas.
                            3. Persons carrying a concealed weapon in the reciprocal :state shall comply
                            Page 1 of 2
                            with all laws, rules and regulations governing the use and carrying of a
                            concealed weapon in that reciprocal state.
                            4. The state of Texas and the State of Utah will inform each other of any
                            changes to their respective concealed carry weapons statutes that may affect the
                            eligibility of the recognition granted by each state.
                            This Memorandum of Agreement applies only to the carrying of handguns by valid
                            license holders from the respective states and not to any other types of weapons. For
                            purposes of this Agreement, the term "handgun" shall bE! defined by the laws, rules
                            and regulations of the host state.
                            This Memorandum of Agreement becomes effective on the date of the final signature
                            and shall continue in effect unless modified by mutual written consent, or terminated
                            by either state upon thirty (30) days' written notice. This document is not intended to
                            limit or restrict the statutory authority or jurisdiction of either state.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post
                              Yep, $100 for class. And $65.25 to process paperwork. i.e. FBI background check, Finger printing, DL copy, Passport photo, and course completion signed by instructor. And you get your license pretty quick. 2 months or less.
                              cheaper...sounds like a good deal


                              • #30
                                4hrs vs 8hrs and range time sounds the best to me.
                                Fuck you. We're going to Costco.

