Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples today called upon all 254 Texas counties to participate in Hog Out Month - a statewide challenge to decrease the state's feral hog population. This challenge will coordinate various feral hog removal strategies implemented across the state into one statewide effort.
It is estimated 2 million feral hogs live in Texas, causing hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage across the state each year. The statewide challenge, which kicks off Oct. 1 during Hog Out Month, will run through Dec. 31. Grants will be awarded to the five counties with the most hogs removed and highest participation in feral hog abatement programs. The deadline for counties to submit a notice of intent to participate is Sept. 30.
It is estimated 2 million feral hogs live in Texas, causing hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage across the state each year. The statewide challenge, which kicks off Oct. 1 during Hog Out Month, will run through Dec. 31. Grants will be awarded to the five counties with the most hogs removed and highest participation in feral hog abatement programs. The deadline for counties to submit a notice of intent to participate is Sept. 30.