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Questions about this rifle (pics)

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  • Questions about this rifle (pics)

    So, this rifle was handed down to my dad from either his dad or his grandpa, not quite sure. All I k ow is that it's a Remington 700 22-250. I know nothing about the optics, and was wondering if someone could tell me how to figure out what year the gun was manufactured.

    So when we moved from Oklahoma back to Dallas, the movers dropped the gun (it was in a soft case) and it landed right on the corner of the butt and broke a chunk off of it. I was thinking of paying someone to restore the rifle, I still have the piece that broke off, but there's also another crack in the stock that may or may not be repairable. Wondering on what someone would charge to restore it if it could even be fixed to look new again. Here are pics of the stock.

    You can see the slight crack here in the second pic halfway down (the black line).

    Thanks for any info/pricing you can help me with. It means alot to me because I'll probably end up with it, and it would mean alot to my dad if I could get it fixed up for him.

  • #2
    The serial number is visible in a pic you posted, and it's 6422170. Remington has an online database. Run it through.


    • #3
      Here's some good info:

      Really, you should be determining value so you can invoice the movers for it. They broke the stock, so they should pay you to fix it.


      • #4
        Email the serial # to
        You remember the stories John use to tell us about the the three chinamen playing Fantan? This guy runs up to them and says, "Hey, the world's coming to an end!" and the first one says, "Well, I best go to the mission and pray," and the second one says, "Well, hell, I'm gonna go and buy me a case of Mezcal and six whores," and the third one says "Well, I'm gonna finish the game." I shall finish the game, Doc.


        • #5
          Unless theres a different serial number, mine doesn't have letters on it. We filed a claim with the moving company, but they're being asshats about it.


          • #6
            That rifle was made in the first half of the 1970's, probably 1971 or 1972.
            63XXXXX was 1970 and 68XXXXX was 1976
            "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ratt View Post
              We filed a claim with the moving company, but they're being asshats about it.
              Be an asshat right back. Tell em pay up or deal with you in court. You can sue for up to $5000 in small claims (Justice of Peace) court and you don't need an attorney; you represent yourself.

              Being an unique, antique, family heirloom rifle in perfect condition and all, its bound to be worth LOTS of money during negotiations.


              • #8
                Originally posted by helosailor View Post
                That rifle was made in the first half of the 1970's, probably 1971 or 1972.
                63XXXXX was 1970 and 68XXXXX was 1976
                Thanks for the info. I really appreciate it.
                Originally posted by JP135 View Post
                Be an asshat right back. Tell em pay up or deal with you in court. You can sue for up to $5000 in small claims (Justice of Peace) court and you don't need an attorney; you represent yourself.

                Being an unique, antique, family heirloom rifle in perfect condition and all, its bound to be worth LOTS of money during negotiations.
                I know we could sue, but that's a last ditch effort. I just want it to be over with. Does anyone have any idea about what someone would charge to fix it and make sure it's in good mechanical working order?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ratt View Post
                  Thanks for the info. I really appreciate it.

                  I know we could sue, but that's a last ditch effort. I just want it to be over with. Does anyone have any idea about what someone would charge to fix it and make sure it's in good mechanical working order?
                  PM 5.0_CJ, he did my grandad's 30-30 for me.
                  "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Baron View Post
                    PM 5.0_CJ, he did my grandad's 30-30 for me.
                    I was kinda hoping he'd chime in.


                    • #11
                      Drill a hole through the crack and either put a dowell rod with white glue in the hole and cut it off flush. Or drill a hole, thread in a long screw and the cut off the head and fill the hole. Pin and glue the plug back in place and then refinish the stock.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ratt View Post
                        I was kinda hoping he'd chime in.
                        The first crack is easy to fix, especially if you have the original piece. The second one looks to me like a stress crack from either being dropped, or from the wood expanding. How deep is the center crack?, can you slide a sheet of paper into it? is it visible on the other side? Pull the back plate off and take a look at that crack.
                        Last edited by CJ; 08-10-2011, 04:03 PM.
                        "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                        "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                        • #13
                          You can sue for up to $5000 in small claims (Justice of Peace) court and you don't need an attorney; you represent yourself.
                          $10,000 in some counties. Denton is $10 limit.
                          "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 5.0_CJ View Post
                            The first crack is easy to fix, especially if you have the original piece. The second one looks to me like a stress crack from either being dropped, or from the wood expanding. How deep is the center crack?, can you slide a sheet of paper into it? is it visible on the other side? Pull the back plate off and take a look at that crack.
                            Pretty sure the second crack isn't that bad, but I'll take the back plate off and check it out. I still have the chunk they broke off of it.


                            • #15
                              See the pelican case thread to save you trouble next time.

