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Horrible Ohio LEO encounter with CCW

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  • #46
    Dude should've stated immediately upon seeing the first cop that he was carrying. I can't believe the cop was that stupid to say that kind of shit on an open mic. Luckily in the state of VA when they pull up a name it discloses if the person has a CHL.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Mopar63 View Post

      I have been pulled over and before the officer gets to the car I have my DL, CHL and insurance card out and my hands on the wheel. If it's at night I turn on the interior light so there is no questioning my actions. If I am polite and cooperative I get the same in return.
      I don't do ANYTHING until the LEO asks me to. To me, from their prospective, it could easily look like you are making a grab for a weapon while they are approaching you. I pull over immediately, put it in park and kill the engine, and keep both hands on the wheel. Retrieve whatever is asked for when asked.

      I'm with you about the respect part, however respect has never gotten me out of a ticket.


      • #48
        Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
        YES! Fucking assholes. Thankfully since I moved over to Hurst I don't have to worry about that.
        Hurst and Bedford cops are very professional IMO.


        • #49
          LEO is on admin leave...
          CANTON —Patrolman Daniel Harless raged at the man in handcuffs.
          The dashboard camera in the patrolman’s cruiser recorded the June 8 traffic stop, and the video went viral Thursday after being posted on the website of Ohioans For Concealed Carry and YouTube.

          “I think it’s important for citizens to understand that the behavior demonstrated on the video is wholly unacceptable, and it violates many of our rules, our regulations and standards we demand of our officers,” Police Chief Dean McKimm said in response.

          Harless, a 14-year department veteran, is under investigation, and was placed on paid administrative leave June 20, according to his personnel file.

          He has been on sick leave since Monday, and the results of the internal affairs investigation will be presented at a disciplinary hearing, the chief said.

          “The city administration, in conjunction with the police department, recognizes the seriousness of this matter,” McKimm said.
          Some four minutes after pulling up to Bartlett’s car, Harless talked to him.

          “I have a carry...,” Bartlett said before Harless cut him off, asking for his license. Bartlett then tried to explain why he was in the neighborhood and Harless ordered him out of the car, according to the enhanced recording.

          Bartlett got out, holding a card in his hand.

          “Why do you keep having that? What is that?” Harless asked.

          “Because I have a concealed carry,” Bartlett said.

          “You have a weapon on you?”

          “Yes, sir.”

          Bartlett had a .38-caliber Ruger pistol, according to court papers. The officers handcuffed him and put him in the cruiser.

          Harless went off. (*edit* That's an understatement *edit*)
          Canton’s internal affairs unit has investigated 16 complaints involving Harless dating back to 2000.

          He was reprimanded in one 2003 case. Harless and another officer were exonerated of using excessive force, but were given a letter of reprimand for not activating the in-car video camera at the scene per department policy.
          "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


          • #50
            Originally posted by Taylor View Post
            I'm with you about the respect part, however respect has never gotten me out of a ticket.
            Get a little older and clean up your record you fucking criminal!


            • #51
              well from the sound of it this has been a repeat problem with this guy. could be a clue. just sayin.


              • #52
                Just saw this on Fox News this morning. They only showed the milder parts, but still eye-opening.


                • #53
                  "Canton’s internal affairs unit has investigated 16 complaints involving Harless dating back to 2000."

                  Well, well, well I am shocked, I really am. And those are the people who actually bothered to complain.
                  Originally posted by racrguy
                  What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                  Originally posted by racrguy
                  Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post

                    Never been given a second chance.....never.. just sayin

                    Last time I went riding with Matt, I was pulled over for speeding while on my way home (accelerated to get some bitch off my ass, just as I topped a hill being "monitored").

                    Went like this:

                    Officer walked up, asked for credentials.
                    I handed my DL/CHL and insurance papers.
                    Officer: Are you carrying.
                    Me: Yes.
                    Officer: Where?
                    Me: I told him (IWB, right hand side)
                    Officer: He asked what I carried and I told him.
                    Officer: Mind if I ask why you were speeding?
                    Me: I just said *chuckling* "to be honest, I have to piss, really bad" which was partially true.
                    Officer: Well, there's a gas station off the next exit if you can't make it home.
                    He hands me my credentials, pat's me on the shoulder and says "have a nice night Mr.*******



                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Machx2 View Post
                      That Leo overreacted big time. I am not going through any car with someone in it. Then he flips out like someone just dropped a grenade. I am not in a place to look it up, but can you not carry a gun in your car in Ohio?

                      You can carry your gun in a car in Ohio. Also, the cops can run your plate on their computer and see if you have a CCW permit. They tell you to let everyone who drives a car registered in your name to be aware.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                        "Canton’s internal affairs unit has investigated 16 complaints involving Harless dating back to 2000."

                        Well, well, well I am shocked, I really am. And those are the people who actually bothered to complain.
                        Fucking government jobs.
                        You get written up 16 times at a private business, and your ass is gone.

                        Also, if I were that guy, I would hire enough lawyers to ensure that that officer was never able to get a job in Ohio again.
                        Originally posted by lincolnboy
                        After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by DOHCTR View Post
                          Fucking government jobs.
                          You get written up 16 times at a private business, and your ass is gone.

                          Also, if I were that guy, I would hire enough lawyers to ensure that that officer was never able to get a job in Ohio again.
                          16? Try 3 strikes and you're out.
                          "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by GhostTX View Post
                            16? Try 3 strikes and you're out.

                            Bet that if I told a customer I was going to pump 10 rounds into them execution style I would get fired at most places. Apparently that is ok for the police though.
                            Originally posted by lincolnboy
                            After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by DOHCTR View Post

                              Bet that if I told a customer I was going to pump 10 rounds into them execution style I would get fired at most places. Apparently that is ok for the police though.
                              You'll love this:
                              Federal employees' job security is so great that workers in many agencies are more likely to die of natural causes than get laid off or fired, a USA TODAY analysis finds.

                              Death — rather than poor performance, misconduct or layoffs — is the primary threat to job security at the Environmental Protection Agency, the Small Business Administration, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Office of Management and Budget and a dozen other federal operations.

                              The federal government fired 0.55% of its workers in the budget year that ended Sept. 30 — 11,668 employees in its 2.1 million workforce. Research shows that the private sector fires about 3% of workers annually for poor performance, says John Palguta, former research chief at the federal Merit Systems Protection Board, which handles federal firing disputes.

                              The 1,800-employee Federal Communications Commission and the 1,200-employee Federal Trade Commission didn't lay off or fire a single employee last year. The SBA had no layoffs, six firings and 17 deaths in its 4,000-employee workforce.

                              When job security is at a premium, the federal government remains the place to work for those who want to avoid losing a job. The job security rate for all federal workers was 99.43% last year and nearly 100% for those on the job more than a few years.

                              HUD spokesman Jerry Brown says his department's low dismissal rate — providing a 99.85% job security rate for employees — shows a skilled and committed workforce. "We've never focused on firing people, and we don't intend to start now. We're more focused on hiring the right people," he says.

                              San Francisco State University management professor John Sullivan, an expert on employee turnover, says the low departure rates show a failure to release poor performers and those with obsolete skills. "Rather than indicating something positive, rates below 1% in the firing and layoff components would indicate a serious management problem," he says.

                              The government laid off 385 people in reorganizations last year — a 0.02% rate, or one in every 6,000 employees. No comparable private sector layoff rate is available.

                              USA TODAY analyzed the Office of Personnel Management's database to examine job security in the federal workforce. Firings are for all reasons, including poor performance, stealing and sexual harassment. The Postal Service and uniformed military personnel are not included in the data. Departures from seasonal jobs, such as Census taker, are not counted.

                              "The notion that you can't fire federal workers is a myth because we do it. But it doesn't happen frequently," says Palguta, vice president of the Partnership for Public Service, which advocates for a high-quality government workforce.

                              Palguta says some federal workers quit before they are fired, so the data underestimate how many poor performers are weeded out. Efforts to streamline the government cause few layoffs because federal law gives preference to certain workers, such as military veterans, making it hard to match protected workers with the skills needed, he says.

                              USA TODAY found that nearly 60% of firings occur in the first two years of employment, mostly workers on probation and outside the federal job protection system. Blue-collar workers are twice as likely to be fired as white-collar employees. The federal government's 12,700 food preparation workers had the highest rate of getting fired last year — 2.5%.

                              White-collar federal workers have almost total job security after a few years on the job. Last year, the government fired none of its 3,000 meteorologists, 2,500 health insurance administrators, 1,000 optometrists, 800 historians or 500 industrial property managers.

                              The nearly half-million federal employees earning $100,000 or more enjoyed a 99.82% job security rate in 2010. Only 27 of 35,000 federal attorneys were fired last year. None was laid off. Death claimed 33.

                              Other findings:

                              •Secure location. The 168,000 federal workers in Washington had the safest jobs — 99.74% job security in 2010. Least secure: Indiana — 98.35%.

                              •Salary. Two-thirds of those fired or laid off earned less than $50,000 a year.

                              •Total turnover. NASA, the space agency, had the government's lowest total turnover rate in 2010 — just 4% of its 18,700 employees quit, died, retired or were dismissed.
                              "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by GhostTX View Post
                                That is so fucked up.

                                If the folks in private industry are suffering, then the people at the Bureau of Home Furnishings need to be equally affected.
                                Originally posted by lincolnboy
                                After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.

