Originally posted by 5.0_CJ
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Ok so i want an AK 47..
Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View PostA Vortex Crossfire isn't what I would consider a "good" scope. The one he opted for is a far cry from the 3-9x40 that he said was more than enough for a .22.Originally posted by JesterEvery time you see the fucking guy....show him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.Originally posted by DennyWhat the fuck ever, you fucking fragile faggot.
Originally posted by DOHCTR View PostUnless you are getting a fully automatic AK, don't bother.
AKs were designed to lay down a high volume of fire amongst a squadron of other men with AKs also laying down high volumes of fire; this was the Soviet mentality that was formed based on their experiences during World War II. Semi automatic AKs go against the weapon's design. They are not as accurate as other rifles (I do not want to start a huge argument about this, but from what I have experienced, AK sights are inferior to pretty much every other gun's sights), and for a civilian who will not be participating in massive firefights, an AR or similar rifle would be a much better choice.
Albeit, if you do want a select fire AK, I am all for it. They are fun as hell. Semi auto ones are however useless beyond the fact that they may impress some hood rats.Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.
Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View PostMy point is that you don't know your head from your ass, and that your opinion when it comes to firearms should be valued as such.
So what's it to you whether I put an $80 scope or an $800 scope on a gun? You're not paying for it, you're not out any time or money. It shouldn't matter at all because it's not yours, if it works for me that's all that should matter.Originally posted by JesterEvery time you see the fucking guy....show him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.Originally posted by DennyWhat the fuck ever, you fucking fragile faggot.
Originally posted by motoman View PostActually I do know my head from my ass and I know it well enough to see that you say someone's opinion is wrong when they don't share your opinion. Last time I checked your opinion wasn't the end all be all to anything, hell no one's opinion here is. But I still value the input that you and others put in. Just because I don't agree on everything you agree on and just because I don't buy what you would buy doesn't make my opinion wrong and your opinion right or vice versa.
So what's it to you whether I put an $80 scope or an $800 scope on a gun? You're not paying for it, you're not out any time or money. It shouldn't matter at all because it's not yours, if it works for me that's all that should matter.
Originally posted by motoman View PostNot sure if it's me, my iron sights, or something else but I've put close to 500 rounds through my rifle and I find it shoots to the left. Trying to figure out why.
Originally posted by motoman View PostSpent the afternoon over at BassPro looking at all the different scopes and I've decided that I'm going to go with the Nikon Prostaff.
Originally posted by motoman View PostHa, no. 3-9x40 is more than enough for around here IMO.Got it.
Originally posted by motoman View PostMy only big complaint is the iron sights, I don't really care for them, and then my trigger which seems to have some play in it before it engages.
So here's my list...
Nikon scope (probably a Monarch)
Originally posted by motoman View PostMade a purchase this afternoon with SWFA to just about finish up the 10/22. Picked up the following:
Vortex Crossfire 6-24x50 AO scope
Originally posted by motomanJust purchased from SWFA.com, got it mounted to my 10/22, and decided I want to go with something smaller. Having never bought a scope before I didn't know what I wanted my max magnification to be and after mounting this up and spending some time behind the scope I now know. No rounds have been through my rifle with the scope mounted.
Originally posted by motomanShouldn't be many pages, there aren't that many options for 1911's out there. I wouldn't say I'm set on the Springfield GI but that's my favorite so far for the money. I've shot kimbers, sprinfields, and colts and I'm very familiar with each model in their line of 1911's. Mainly just want to make sure I'm not missing out on anything else.
Springfield, Kimber, Sti, Rock Island, American Classic, Citadel, Taurus, Charles Daly, Para Ordnance...
Originally posted by motoman View PostMine will serve multiple purposes, hunting, one of my home defense weapons, and plinking when I get my reloading setup going.
I don't care who knows what I have at home because anyone breaking my into my house is going to get one warning before I start firing off rounds.
Originally posted by motomanI'll have more into parts than what I paid for my rifle in due time. But when it's all said and done I should be able to shoot 1/2 inch groups.
Originally posted by motomanWhat is parrallax?
Greg, I know that you're a novice regarding guns. There's nothing wrong with that. Some of the people in these forums have spent countless hours behind dozens or hundreds of guns at the range, shooting clays, hunting, "varminting", shooting competitive pistol matches, benchrest competitions, etc. Be aware of that. I'd honestly bet that I have more rounds on ONE of my pistols than you've fired in your entire life.
Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View PostOh Really? You ask some pretty rudimentary questions for having so much experience.
An ace such as yourself should be able to figure out why your gun is shooting to the left. There aren't that many variables.
It took you all afternoon to figure out that you wanted to buy a 100$ scope? Bravo.
Oh, so all of the bullseye shooters and 50y rimfire benchrest guys should get ride of their 36x scopes.Got it.
Oh, got it! So now we've decided that it's a good idea to drop some coin on a scope (That's the first smart thing so far!)... So a Nikon Monarch 3-9 x 40? Let's see...
That's a bit of a detour. I understand. I often go from a budget minded build to a more middle of the road approach... wait. Then back down to a low end? Whatever. At least you made a good decision after all of this indecision, right?
Ahh. Got it. You might want to check out the ProStaff 3-9x40. I hear that they're plenty of scope for "around here". (Whatever that means)
You're right. Makers of 1911's with guns under 700$?
Springfield, Kimber, Sti, Rock Island, American Classic, Citadel, Taurus, Charles Daly, Para Ordnance...
at what range?
Seriously? Let's shy away from any advanced discussions on optics for a while. Thanks
Greg, I know that you're a novice regarding guns. There's nothing wrong with that. Some of the people in these forums have spent countless hours behind dozens or hundreds of guns at the range, shooting clays, hunting, "varminting", shooting competitive pistol matches, benchrest competitions, etc. Be aware of that. I'd honestly bet that I have more rounds on ONE of my pistols than you've fired in your entire life."When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler
Originally posted by 5.0_CJ View PostHe's learning quickly because of this forum and his interest. No need to bag on him so bad, everyone learns more from the forum. Without new blood, this place would get pretty damn boring. Because we can't all survive on AK hate and piston huggers.
Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View PostI don't mind him being new. I mind him putting his uninformed two cents in regarding shit that he doesn't have any idea about. That other people who aren't very experienced will read, and possibly take as gospel because Greg didn't put an "I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground" Disclaimer on his post."When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler
Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View PostAhh. Got it. You might want to check out the ProStaff 3-9x40. I hear that they're plenty of scope for "around here". (Whatever that means)
I don't have the time or patience to go through and grab quotes from lots of other threads so I have no idea what that post was about, but if it was for a deer/other mid size game rifle for here and parts a bit west, its a spot on statement. If its a paper puncher, its a tad bit off.
Originally posted by bottlerocket View PostMost times Ive used/heard that statement it was referring to hunting. The places I have hunted you rarely have the opportunity to even use all of the 3-9x just because the ranges are relatively short and there are not long sight lines that offer you time to set up a shot. If there is a long sight line, its so narrow that by the time you see the target, it has moved on. Maybe its a phrase he heard that sounded intelligent at the time? I know I've seen it used on here before.
I don't have the time or patience to go through and grab quotes from lots of other threads so I have no idea what that post was about, but if it was for a deer/other mid size game rifle for here and parts a bit west, its a spot on statement. If its a paper puncher, its a tad bit off."When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler
"I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground"
Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View PostI don't mind him being new. I mind him putting his uninformed two cents in regarding shit that he doesn't have any idea about. That other people who aren't very experienced will read, and possibly take as gospel because Greg didn't put an "I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground" Disclaimer on his post.Originally posted by JesterEvery time you see the fucking guy....show him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.Originally posted by DennyWhat the fuck ever, you fucking fragile faggot.
Originally posted by bottlerocket View PostMost times Ive used/heard that statement it was referring to hunting. The places I have hunted you rarely have the opportunity to even use all of the 3-9x just because the ranges are relatively short and there are not long sight lines that offer you time to set up a shot. If there is a long sight line, its so narrow that by the time you see the target, it has moved on. Maybe its a phrase he heard that sounded intelligent at the time? I know I've seen it used on here before.
I don't have the time or patience to go through and grab quotes from lots of other threads so I have no idea what that post was about, but if it was for a deer/other mid size game rifle for here and parts a bit west, its a spot on statement. If its a paper puncher, its a tad bit off.
Originally posted by 5.0_CJ View Postif you plan on punching paper at 100 yards with a .22LR, you're gonna be pretty hard pressed to see bullet impacts. Higher magnification on cheaper scopes lets you see them, and saves you the expense of a spotting scope. I could *barely* see .223 impacts with my Leupold VXIII 9x.
Originally posted by bottlerocket View PostI haven't shot 22 cal bullets with a magnified scope yet, but my 3-9 Buckmaster easily let me see my .30 cal holes at 300 yds. I'll have to give some scoped shooting a try behind the AR. I also shot an AR-10 with a Bushnell Elite 6500 4.5-30x50 and while the magnification was nice to see where the bullets were hitting, I had a hell of a time seeing through the scope at its max magnification. Any slight movement in my eye in any direction and it just went black. This has to do with parallax? Either way, it was frustrating as hell. I handed that thing back and proceeded to shoot the Savage