Only, not. If someone asks about a gun I can give input with the one I have the most experience with which is my USP-C. I am calling people nutswingers for putting shit up on a pedestal for no reason. I can respect the fact that people look for different things in guns. If someone wants a striker fired, DAO, with no external safety, and has a large capacity, sure Glock is the way to go. People have specific needs for guns. I wouldn't suggest an HK if it didn't fit those needs. Unlike some here who think Glock is Godly and nothing is better. That is where the nutswinger and fanboy comments come from.
Great, thanks. I already acknowledged the fact that I misspoke. Good work beating a dead horse.
If you say so. Pointless to argue things you cant prove, but go for it.
Thanks. Still doesn't change the fact that you went to bat for Glock for no reason. Don't go looking for an e-fight and then bring up shit thats completely unrelated.
Yep, Honda you're the one to go to. But handguns I'd think twice. Thanks again for all the help though!
Chris, I don't think you get it. All I did was correct your misstatement that I didn't know was a misstatement. no big deal, just say you made a misstatement, and we both move on. You then proceeded to start arguing with me.
Chris, I don't think you get it. All I did was correct your misstatement that I didn't know was a misstatement. no big deal, just say you made a misstatement, and we both move on. You then proceeded to start arguing with me.
I get it just fine. You accuse me of "bashing" glocks. I have already admitted to my misstatement. Hypocritical statements FTW...
I get it just fine. You accuse me of "bashing" glocks. I have already admitted to my misstatement. Hypocritical statements FTW...
Ok. I guess saying they have a pos slide release and nothing you can consider a safety isn't bashing. You win bro. Your street credit has totally been elevated with this thread. Congrats!
I bought mine because I liked the way it shot, the way it pointed, the fact that it had a safety, the company's reputation, the groups I could make with it, the fact that I can use the slide release with my off hand (instead of that little tab POS Glock insists on using), ambi mag release and several other factors. But you're right, people ONLY buy them to look cool.
Yay for Glock fanboys. Shit I guess I'll just go trade in every handgun I have for a Glock since its the best thing since pockets.
EDIT: Oh and the comparable glock weighs 66 grams more and holds one fewer round. Time to hit the gym if 66 grams bothers you. Or maybe do some curls with your TV remote
This post reeks of arrogance. Plain and simple, you are allowed to own whatever the fuck you want. Nobody is "nutswinging" on Glocks in here. Someone simply has a preference and said so on the internets.
You do truthfully believe that no gun can compare to the HK, and you should really just stop denying it. Now's the time to stop being a fuckhead and just tell the truth. You ARE an HK elitist, just like you're an all around elitist. You're also a liar and a jerkoff. You don't have to admit to those, but it's true.
Stop trying so fucking hard to let everyone know that everything you own is the best, and they shouldn't bother owning anything else. Ultimately nobody gives a flying fuck about your opinion, and I can't think of a single topic on which I would consider you an expert, so I'm not sure which forum that I'd recommend you go hide in. You want to stay and play, then shut your fucking mouth with all of this elitist shit, misguided recommendations, etc.
When your products do not break, you do not need a big customer service department :wink1:
But seriously, their service is pretty good. I had a buddy who got a USP tactical that was missing the barrel O-ring when he bought it, so he called them up and they got a new one to him immediately.
But seriously, I have owned many glocks and I have seen them jam with factory ammo. I have never, ever seen an HK jam with factory ammo.
Originally posted by lincolnboy
After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.
This post reeks of arrogance. Plain and simple, you are allowed to own whatever the fuck you want. Nobody is "nutswinging" on Glocks in here. Someone simply has a preference and said so on the internets.
You do truthfully believe that no gun can compare to the HK, and you should really just stop denying it. Now's the time to stop being a fuckhead and just tell the truth. You ARE an HK elitist, just like you're an all around elitist. You're also a liar and a jerkoff. You don't have to admit to those, but it's true.
Stop trying so fucking hard to let everyone know that everything you own is the best, and they shouldn't bother owning anything else. Ultimately nobody gives a flying fuck about your opinion, and I can't think of a single topic on which I would consider you an expert, so I'm not sure which forum that I'd recommend you go hide in. You want to stay and play, then shut your fucking mouth with all of this elitist shit, misguided recommendations, etc.
Wow let it all out big guy. Glad you came to the party here. You're right, people can own guns for whatever reason they want, and I listed those reasons. Since purchasing my HK I have not purchased another. Hell I even purchased a Kahr which we can all agree has a lower level of engineering than HK, Glock, S&W, etc, but again I liked the way it shot, felt in my hand and met all my criteria. So you and Chris can have a nice circle jerk and I'll just enjoy the guns I own for the reasons I purchased them, not solely because its an HK.
Originally posted by buzzo
not only does glock do EVERYTHING as well or better than an HK, but its lighter, and holds more rounds in almost every comparable model. People buy HK's to look cool to their friends. Thats my opinion based on the HK's I've owned in the past vs the Glocks I own now
yea thats not nutswinging at all
Originally posted by Pro88LX
Ok. I guess saying they have a pos slide release and nothing you can consider a safety isn't bashing. You win bro. Your street credit has totally been elevated with this thread. Congrats!
Its my opinion. The little tab that Glock uses is impossible for me to use shooting offhand. Honestly I would have purchased a Glock 36 (bold so you have no way of missing it) for my slim carry pistol if I could have easily worked the slide release, but other weapons have a much more accessible release so I decided against it. Again, as my posts have stated from the beginning, I buy the gun to fit the need. I won't avoid Glock or purposely gravitate towards HK just because of the brand name. If the shoe fits, fucking buy it. You guys can try to be all high and mighty all you want, but in the end I'm happy with my purchase and understand why I bought them.
When your products do not break, you do not need a big customer service department :wink1:
But seriously, their service is pretty good. I had a buddy who got a USP tactical that was missing the barrel O-ring when he bought it, so he called them up and they got a new one to him immediately.
But seriously, I have owned many glocks and I have seen them jam with factory ammo. I have never, ever seen an HK jam with factory ammo.
They do ok, but they could stand to have a better parts inventory. When my naive ass decided to buy reloads from a gun show and they were too hot and ruined my extractor it took a while to get a new one because they didn't have any. Otherwise, no complaints.
there's a such thing as an HK elitist?
i could see maybe wilson combat or les baer elitists, but really... a <insert any polymer gun manufacturer> elitist?
there's a such thing as an HK elitist?
i could see maybe wilson combat or les baer elitists, but really... a <insert any polymer gun manufacturer> elitist?
Yep you have the little slide release add-on tab there. Makes it much easier, doesn't it? Mine came with a higher profile release that gives more of a positive contact when you are releasing with your pointer finger as demonstrated. Its somewhat tricky without that tab on the Glocks. Without that add-on tab, the release is damn near flat. Somewhat easy to use with your thumb, down right frustrating without it.
Yep you have the little slide release add-on tab there. Makes it much easier, doesn't it? Mine came with a higher profile release that gives more of a positive contact when you are releasing with your pointer finger as demonstrated. Its somewhat tricky without that tab on the Glocks. Without that add-on tab, the release is damn near flat. Somewhat easy to use with your thumb, down right frustrating without it.
Its called an "extended slide release", costs about 10$, and takes 2 minutes to install.It actually comes factory on some glocks. The same technique works without it.