My first pistol that I still have is a Springfield National Match all billet made in 1991, the last of their billet slides back then. It has had a good 2-3000 rounds through it and it runs like a top. Never had a failure. Even with the simple sights I am an artist with it.
My old man has a STI Nighthawk and a few other high ends. They are all extremely tight guns. Infact the you almost have to cock the hammer first on the Nighthawk to pull the slide to the rear. But I would not expect any less of a gun that retails for north of $3,000.
If I was in the market for a new 1911 and had a budget under $1,400 I would go either Kimber or Sprinfield.
I just got back from the first range outing with the DE 1911. WOW!!! nicest feeling, best shooting SA .45 I have shot. 2 and 3" groupings at 25 feet which is something my sorry shooting ass has never been able to do. Was shooting at a Zombie Clown target and could pretty much hit within an inch any detail I was shooting at (eyes, mouth, nose etc...)
VERY happy with my purchase.
Now to go find out what is wrong with my shooting my other pistols! LOL!
I just got back from the first range outing with the DE 1911. WOW!!! nicest feeling, best shooting SA .45 I have shot. 2 and 3" groupings at 25 feet which is something my sorry shooting ass has never been able to do. Was shooting at a Zombie Clown target and could pretty much hit within an inch any detail I was shooting at (eyes, mouth, nose etc...)
VERY happy with my purchase.
Now to go find out what is wrong with my shooting my other pistols! LOL!
At 25 feet? That's like 8.33 yds. I was getting groups better than that at almost twice that distance with my Springfield RO.
At 25 feet? That's like 8.33 yds. I was getting groups better than that at almost twice that distance with my Springfield RO.
Well, you're just a fucking badass then aren't you? I'm sure taking careful aim could do better but this was real life practice and very rapid fire on target with little to no aim between shots. Not something I have been able to do before. Don't know too many situations where I can take 2 seconds or more to aim a shot....unless the threat is a stationary deer 200 yards away.
If I wanted to target shoot for accuracy i'd bring the .22 and spend 4 hours there. This was in, 100 rnds and out in 10 minutes or less and that included loading the mags and putting on protection. Gotta love outdoor ranges with open rules!
Well, you're just a fucking badass then aren't you? I'm sure taking careful aim could do better but this was real life practice and very rapid fire on target with little to no aim between shots. Not something I have been able to do before. Don't know too many situations where I can take 2 seconds or more to aim a shot....unless the threat is a stationary deer 200 yards away.
If I wanted to target shoot for accuracy i'd bring the .22 and spend 4 hours there. This was in, 100 rnds and out in 10 minutes or less and that included loading the mags and putting on protection. Gotta love outdoor ranges with open rules!
Lighten up brah, I assumed you were taking your time between rounds. Shame on me for assuming.
That's not bad for rapid firing. I get about the same out of mine when going at a fast pace. I'm itching to go shoot now!
Sig managed to fuck up their first run of 1911s, then they managed to fuck up the second issue, the GSR resolution. They should stick to what they do right.
You don't buy a 1911 because it's the most durable, eats-anything, runs in the harshest conditions. Because unless you picked a great gun, you probably aren't going to get that.
I have 3 Kimber's a handful of Colt's and and an essex I built and all run very well Use wilson or cmc mags and you will get better results
I have 3 Kimber's a handful of Colt's and and an essex I built and all run very well Use wilson or cmc mags and you will get better results
Most 1911 s will jam up a long time before a glock/xd will in similar circumstances.
Matt, thats a good looking gun. Many of these springfield and kimbers are every bit of 1000$. I would much rather have an american built, hand fitted less baer or sti all day if the difference is a few hundred bucks.
In my experience I have fired a lot of different guns shot a lot of ammo from crap to high dollar
In general I have found that smaller guns are more prone to jamming just due to the light weight vs stiff springs hard to give a good platform to recoil against
My kimber pro carry II has at least 1k through it I bought it second hand tho it's not had any work done to it In my hands Ive not had any FTE, FTF, stovepipes or the like. I can say this for all my 1911's only time I've had a 1911 give any issue is when I built my Essex frame up I had issues with tuning the ejector and extractor. I used gunsmith fit parts so that I could do this.
My pops works in a gun store (in Florida) as a part time "do what you love (sales/guns)" kind of thing. He has a bunch of high end (Wilson Combat, Nighthawk, STI, etc) in their cases just waiting for that right buyer.
Well I think I am about to drop the hammer on a new high end. I figure a $2,000 budget should be about right. Hopefully my pops will call me back and let me know what he has in inventory they want to make a deal on. His Nighthawk he owns was tagged with $3,500+ and he got it for cost plus 5% (paid cash) for $2,500+.
Since I am 8,000 miles and 68 days away from coming home I might as well put one on layaway and pay it off a little at a time. Now that we have a great FFL (Jeff Dowdle) I feel more comfortable about buying and shipping a gun.