already have an AR... Found a cheap ak/sks down in Brenham I may go pickup this afternoon. $345 and he has a few others. Just wanted something more accurate...but might like the idea of selling the ammo and picking up a plinker like the GSG5 or something goofy.
already have an AR... Found a cheap ak/sks down in Brenham I may go pickup this afternoon. $345 and he has a few others. Just wanted something more accurate...but might like the idea of selling the ammo and picking up a plinker like the GSG5 or something goofy.
Those GSG5's and there AK variant are pimp. They are suprisingly reliable on shots (double feed, misfires) and are pretty accurate. They come with a ~20 round mag that feeds flawlessly. Well made plinker if you can find one. They run aroun $600 bucks last I looked, its been awhile.
Those GSG5's and there AK variant are pimp. They are suprisingly reliable on shots (double feed, misfires) and are pretty accurate. They come with a ~20 round mag that feeds flawlessly. Well made plinker if you can find one. They run aroun $600 bucks last I looked, its been awhile.
This shop down in Brenham is advertising NIB base GSG's for $435...more pimp ones with options like $485.... We bought my future step son a little sig mosquito the other day and the price of .22LR is stupid cheap!
Need to find out outlet for the 7.62 ammo and then just cut my losses...but the cheap AK might be worth it for the zombie uprising.
well, did a little more research and the 556R's seem to have massive amounts of failures.
The mini-30's don't like anything but US ammo...and I have a ton of russian shit.
Guess I am back finding an ak or SKS...shucks.
Buddy of mine has a Mini-30 and shoots russian ammo out of his without any issues. You just need to replace the hammer spring with the wolf one. (Otherwise you might get a FTF every so often).
Love my gsg 5. Budsgunshop had them for 480 last week with the 110 round drum. Drum seems to be hit or miss. Mine has worked well but many haven't. My biggest complaint is the cost of the mags, but again I had good luck with the promag versions.
Love my gsg 5. Budsgunshop had them for 480 last week with the 110 round drum. Drum seems to be hit or miss. Mine has worked well but many haven't. My biggest complaint is the cost of the mags, but again I had good luck with the promag versions.
Ended up getting both a GSG5 and a yugoslavian SKS fresh in cosmolene...what a mess. 4 cans of cleaner later, I need to tear it down and use 3 more...then oil. cool gun though.
They had the GSG5's for $435 cash. They said they stopped carrying the drums cause they cracked and caused feed issues. I ended up getting the std. 22 rnd mag, and bought a two pack of 10 round for $37. The version I got had an upgraded handguard and a larger diameter Faux Suppressor so it was in the $480 range. Still less than most places I found on the web and after shipping and transfer fees, not a bad buy. AFter looking at the 10 rd mags, it looks like there is an insert you remove and it would become 22 rd mags. Going to try taking it apart today and check it.
The biggest surprise was the gunstore! Independance Firearms down in Brenham. HUGE inventory of guns, supplies, accessories and great prices on most everything I saw...well below gun show pricing and reminded me of pricing from 3 or 4 years ago. GREAT store!
My favorite local range is closed on monday so I will probably go shoot it on Friday morning before it gets hot. I still need to finish sighting in my AR/scope but need a better spotting scope to see the target. Can't wait to shoot 500 rds for less than $20!!! LOL!