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BILL & TED FACE THE MUSIC Official Trailer

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  • BILL & TED FACE THE MUSIC Official Trailer

  • #2
    I’ll watch that shit!


    • #3
      I like Keanu Reaves because he's a good dude, but why does it sound like his voice is straining so much. He sounds awful.


      • #4
        More proof that Hollywood is killing Hollywood and movie theaters not Covid 19.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
          I like Keanu Reaves because he's a good dude, but why does it sound like his voice is straining so much. He sounds awful.
          He is a bad actor that can only play a couple of roles. That's not a bad thing, there are plenty of guys that made good movies with the same character. Tom Cruise, Nic Cage, Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Mel Gibson, Jason Statham, Travolta, and Ryan Reynolds to name a few.

          Early in his career, he had the surfer boy accent and acting style, but he started to change in Speed, and went full blown to the style he is now is Chain Reaction. He's trying to go back to the old surfer style, but you can hear the John Wick style vocals and delivery in him.


          • #6
            Originally posted by JC316 View Post
            He's trying to go back to the old surfer style, but you can hear the John Wick style vocals and delivery in him.
            haha you nailed it right here.


            • #7
              bro, keanu is a fucking saint. you shut your whore mouth!

              he really does seem like a normal dude that remembers he just got lucky with a cool job.

              i even own the lake house because of my man crush on him.


              • #8
                Dude I love Keanu. Like stated above, I'm a fan of the man. He's not your typical Hollywood whack job.


                • #9
                  bro. that was to jc316 calling him a bad actor.

                  whore mouth does grab one’s attention though.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jammeejamm View Post
                    bro. that was to jc316 calling him a bad actor.

                    whore mouth does grab one’s attention though.


                    • #11
                      Did they not see how badly the Dumb and Dumber redux failed?


                      • #12
                        ha! well you got me on that one. bro i forgot he was in that movie. gary oldman could not save that movie either.


                        • #13
                          Reeves movies are fun to watch. Unlike other actors around his generation I don't get tired of watching his movies.

                          Now this one......probably should have just left it alone. But it might be fun to watch after a "few" libations.

                          Lots of cars that nobody desires


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jammeejamm View Post
                            ha! well you got me on that one. bro i forgot he was in that movie. gary oldman could not save that movie either.
                            Fine, bad movie, can't blame the actors. Allow me to clip some of his movies, both hero and villain. You will note that his acting is the exact same through them all. Again, not a bad thing, I enjoyed all of these movies immensely, but he has no range.

                            Him playing a villain.

                            Him playing a hero





                            • #15
                              just stop bro. you are hurting my feels.

                              i will admit that i always liked constantine. i did not read the comic, but i really liked the movie.

