Great movie with almost zero marketing. They tried to tie it in with the new Star Trek release, I guess hoping to get some Chris Pine fans to watch. If you liked Sicario it's the from the same writer.
Well I didn't like it at all. I thought it was an insult to Texans. I like all the actors, really great cast, but none of them are Texans and they did a terrible job of impersonating "regular joes". The production certainly had a "this is a shitty Hollywood version of the south, complete with real hillbillies and the ever popular racist Indian jokes!" feel to it. Would not recommend.
I wanted to like it because of the dude and charlie prince but agree the movie tried too hard to be southern. Enjoyed the BIG F U to banks message but identifying a tribal affiliation from across a poker table...c'mon who do you think you are.. SVO???