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  • Silverback
    Originally posted by YALE View Post
    This season is a huge letdown.
    agreed, it's all buildup and no substance

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  • yellowstang
    Originally posted by SonicblueGT03 View Post
    Raylan had a conversation with the new hired gun of Avery's


    Said hired gun kills grandmother of the little girl going up against Avery for teh land deals


    AD says AVA is going back to jail no matter what


    Ava shot Boyd and ran off with the money.

    Boyd still alive? My guess is yes.

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  • YALE
    This season is a huge letdown.

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  • SonicblueGT03
    Raylan had a conversation with the new hired gun of Avery's


    Said hired gun kills grandmother of the little girl going up against Avery for teh land deals


    AD says AVA is going back to jail no matter what


    Ava shot Boyd and ran off with the money.

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  • yellowstang
    OK, what happened in this weeks episode? I cut DirecTv and have no FX connections to watch, and I aint paying Amazon to watch the last 2 episodes when I can get a recap here! :-)

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  • YALE
    Yeah, Raylan has become a pretty shitty person.

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  • krazy kris
    Ha Ha!

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  • dsrtuckteezy
    Originally posted by SonicblueGT03 View Post
    She knew the job was dangerous when she took the deal to get out of prison. Raylon isn't fucking her over, that's the life of a CI.

    I knew Dewey was going to die as soon as he "saw the sign" in the diner. No one does what he did to Boyd and lives. Didn't know for sure how soon he would go though, thought they might get a few more miles out of that story.

    Overall, I'd say a good start to a final season. Really looking forward to seeing how they build the character for Sam. Has much potential.
    you just want Raylons cock. Do you remember why he stayed to help nag boy? Something to do with letting Augustine be murdered. He's just like every other crooked power tripping cop.

    Using the woman he was fucking and cared for to keep his toes out of the fire.


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    Originally posted by krazy kris View Post
    If it wouldn't have been for his voice I would have never noticed Sam, all clean shaven and old.
    Really? Looks about the same as he did in Tombstone if you ask me - just a few more miles...

    Should be a good final season - peeps already dying...

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  • SonicblueGT03
    She knew the job was dangerous when she took the deal to get out of prison. Raylon isn't fucking her over, that's the life of a CI.

    I knew Dewey was going to die as soon as he "saw the sign" in the diner. No one does what he did to Boyd and lives. Didn't know for sure how soon he would go though, thought they might get a few more miles out of that story.

    Overall, I'd say a good start to a final season. Really looking forward to seeing how they build the character for Sam. Has much potential.

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  • silverhatch
    Great start.
    I did not see the Dewey shot coming.

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  • dsrtuckteezy
    raylon is a real piece of shit. i'm not for the "bad guys," but trying to fuck eva over? he's just as crooked as boyd.

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  • krazy kris
    If it wouldn't have been for his voice I would have never noticed Sam, all clean shaven and old.

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  • krazy kris

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  • KBScobravert
    Look at the flowers Dewey.

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