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1310 The Ticket

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  • Murph Tang
    I stopped listening to the Ticket when Jr. started getting political and bashing cops.

    I listen and watch sports to get away from all the crap in the world.

    I turn on 105.3 but turn off when it does content circles. 97.1 is unbearable and haven't returned after listening to a few days early on.

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  • bird_dog0347
    So it has been a while here, but for anyone that might not know back at the end of June The Hang Zone (Dan and Jake) did their last show on The Ticket after failing to come to terms on the new contract after 6 months of negotiations. They officially resigned a few weeks later (not sure why, the contract was over already but whatever), and started a podcast called The Dumb Zone which is free once a week on YouTube and the other 3-4 episodes are on Patreon for $6.90/month.

    I was worried about having Dan and Jake make it work back in 2020 but man it was hands down the best show on The Ticket as I got tired of the Musers and it being the same old thing. I would listen every day at noon, and even check out their end of week wrap ups on their website if I missed something.

    Dan and Jake have talked openly about why they left, they wanted to be able to do other things like a podcast or whatever outside of Cumulus and own/monetize those opportunities/IP. They also wanted pay raises for the rest of the people who worked on their show and get paid shit (like $30k) but other than that point they said the money they were offered wasn't the issue. Tons of people were speculating that they were leaving to go to 97.1 The Freak like many other Ticket people have done, but this was the first Tier 1 people to leave willingly when it wasn't a retirement (Rhyner in 2019 then Norm this past June) so it was a pretty big shakeup at an otherwise very steady station for 25 years.

    Clearly Dan and Jake had not intended to leave The Ticket as the podcast thus far (11 episodes) is very bare bones and needs some production value as they try to figure all this out on the fly while simultaneously being sued by Cumulus for breach of contract. The lawsuit docs are available online and after reading through them all I think Cumulus is going to regret opening this can of worms as now all the skeletons in the closet will come to light. They should have left this one alone as now tons of people are boycotting the mid-day shows and this lawsuit is great publicity for TDZ which is already over 4k subscribers in just a couple of weeks. Just like pretty much any labor dispute I'm almost always on the side of the employee, and especially in this case... I still love The Ticket but upper management is WAY off base on this one and can eat a dick, I'll continue to support Dan and Jake wherever they end up.

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  • bird_dog0347
    Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
    I’m good with it. Bob will make it more sportscentric but let corby do his non sports stuff.

    I feel Jake ANYONE and Dan are going to but heads a lot.
    Fixed it for you. I'm happy about this, I really like Jake, and I really like Dan... If Bob and Dan can work it out for 20+ years then so can Jake and Dan.

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  • mstng86
    I’m good with it. Bob will make it more sportscentric but let corby do his non sports stuff.

    I feel Jake and Dan are going to but heads a lot.

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  • cool cat
    Did anyone pay attention to the BAD radio return music? Most notably was "Moving on Up", which led me to believe BAD radio was moving to afternoon drive.

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  • bird_dog0347
    So the announcement came down today, Bob Sturm moves to 3-7 with Corby, Danny, and all the others that were already there. Jake gets elevated to host with Dan from 12-3.

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    Going on youtube and listening to all the Fake Jerry made me laugh. Especially the ones with Wade Phillips.

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  • silverhatch
    I love Jake but would hate to see him on the hardline.

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  • mstng86
    My problem will be the lack of any sports credibility on the hardline now. All the shows have some sports writing background or have some credibility by speaking analytically. Corby and Dan just drive me nuts with the dumbed down aspects of sports talk. That and adding Jake would make an extremely snarky show.

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  • bird_dog0347
    He's grown on me, but seriously, at this moment, WHO would be better than him on the current Hardline?

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  • Ruffdaddy
    Originally posted by Cannon88 View Post
    Jake is terrible. Corby, Danny and Jake is unbearable.
    Yeah I dont like Jake either but always figured I was in the minority.

    I think he was ok at times...but too much of him is no bueno

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  • Cannon88
    Jake is terrible. Corby, Danny and Jake is unbearable.

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    The Musers interview with McCarthy was great!

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  • bcoop
    Originally posted by BLAKE View Post

    That’ll be fun. Dave is hilarious.
    I'm a fan. I think he would mix with Corby and Danny better. I like Jake, I like Corby, and I like Danny. But Danny and Corby together are often a beat down. Jake can be at times too. But I think the 3 of them together will be a major ass whipping.

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    Well thanks for pointing that out. Now I can’t unhear it.

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