I'm super excited for this.. I'm going to Blizzcon this year and I think I am most excited for the Warcraft movie panel. Looks to be an awesome cast as well.
This is Based off Warcraft 1 I believe.. Which ever was called orcs and humans.
In one of the interviews Blizzard said they wanted to start it out early so they have plenty of story to tell, hinting towards a couple more movies that catch up to Vanilla Wow story line.
I have never played WoW nor seen footage of any of the games;
Please explain WoW in a paragraph that would make sense and sum the whole thing up.
A game that has ruined relationships, made people lose jobs, drop out/fail school and has destroyed lives. Pretty much one of the best games of all time. Tons of story lines and lore. You can spend every waking moment on it doing something different.
I don't have the time or life force for WoW, but I'd love a chance to play an updated version of the original strategy games. Warcraft II was great. Why that isn't available as a mobile app is beyond me. Blizzard would print their own money with that one, though they seem to be pretty good at that with just about everything they do.
i don't have the time or life force for wow, but i'd love a chance to play an updated version of the original strategy games. Warcraft ii was great. Why that isn't available as a mobile app is beyond me. Blizzard would print their own money with that one, though they seem to be pretty good at that with just about everything they do.