I am not sure yet, LOVED the first episode, loved it. but for a 6 episode season for them to jump right back into normal X files work is kind of odd after that big setup(third episode preview)...wish all 6 would have been about chasing the truth from the first one...but maybe they are setting it up where everything is tied together....
I am not sure yet, LOVED the first episode, loved it. but for a 6 episode season for them to jump right back into normal X files work is kind of odd after that big setup(third episode preview)...wish all 6 would have been about chasing the truth from the first one...but maybe they are setting it up where everything is tied together....
I said the same thing to my wife last night. The first one was fantastic, second one not so much.
also, did something happen to gillian anderson? either her voice or acting seems completely off.
Dude I think she had too much plastic surgery or something, her face is all chiseled and doesn't move now. She didn't have a lot of emotion before but damn, nothing there now.
WTF is going on, again first episode was genius IMO, they had a strategy to chase and a good story behind it...then suddenly back to goofy cases and have NOT referred back to the big reveal in episode one yet..???
what are they doing here, just seeing if enough viewers will watch to kick start a new running of the show?