I saw it today with some ladies from work. They should've billed it as a comedy, for all the shit I laughed at. Probably the funniest line, which got a rather audible guffaw was "I don't make love. I fuck. Hard. Shit had me rollin' son! The ladies didn't find it as funny as I did. Ultimately it's some watered down BDSM and a bunch of critics were attacking the story about a rich and powerful man forcing this poor woman to be his sex slave. Not only is that not the case in the movie, but it's also glaringly obvious to anyone who has engaged in any real bdsm. The Dom gets to choose the activity, but ultimately the Sub has control. That was portrayed in the movie, but they didn't beat you over the head with it so I'm not surprised it was overlooked by some critics.
For the rest of you gents, I would only see this movie if drug there by a SO with the promise of some happy fun time afterwards. Forgettable, IMO.
Far and wide the worst movie ive ever seen in theaters, and i laughed way more than i should have too. You can tell its some creepy old ladies fantasy for sure. if it was a guys it would have lasted 5 mimutes. The entire movie is like a copy and paste of the same scene over and over.
Guy wants girl to do bad things....girl gets mad and wants to chage guy. emotional trash is attempted to be portrayed, then crappy sex scene. Copy and paste 5 times.