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Sons and Guns

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  • YALE
    Originally posted by ceyko View Post
    haha, if I have to explain it one more time - I'll pop.

    Then I get the look of..."Well, I believe the show and not you."
    LOL, I think the rage stare I develop when people question me about my opinion has gone a long way to convince them. I think we're in agreement that they suck. I don't know why they need to be on TV. If America wants to see a bunch of no-account coon asses, they can film my family.

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  • ceyko
    Originally posted by Yale View Post
    I like guns, say, "oh, well you must love that show, 'Sons of Guns...'" No. I fucking hate it. Stop watching it.
    haha, if I have to explain it one more time - I'll pop.

    Then I get the look of..."Well, I believe the show and not you."

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  • YALE
    Originally posted by motoman View Post
    Crook? Any back story?
    He charges about 3 times the going rate for basic work, he invents solutions to problems that can't actually be purchased by an end consumer, and 90% of his overpriced garbage can be built by you or me on the kitchen table, without machine tools or welders. Fuck that clown. Another thing that really bothers me about him is, he's straight up gouging the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Department for all those crazy things he builds them that they don't need. He's just another iron monger profiteer that doesn't care that he's making the rest of the gun community look like complete assholes. Since that stupid show came out, half the people I meet that find out I like guns, say, "oh, well you must love that show, 'Sons of Guns...'" No. I fucking hate it. Stop watching it.

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  • KBScobravert
    Originally posted by Downs View Post
    Show is a F'in joke in the firearms community. You should read the threads over on ARFCOM. I've got them saved at work and read them for entertainment when I have down time. I wouldn't buy a t-shirt from that company let alone give them a firearm to fuck up. They couldn't even assemble a goddamn AR15 properly. I could teach a toddler how to put one together.

    The only one who played a big part in the show who did a good job was Vince and he left the company. There's some insight on the ARFCOM boards into what goes on behind the scenes but current employees are under contract to keep their mouths shut about most stuff.
    My thoughts exactly.

    edit.... and what kind of gunsmith only has ONE barrel wrench? Hell I have 3, not including the DD wrench in my tool box in the garage and I don't do that shit for a living.

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  • Downs
    Show is a F'in joke in the firearms community. You should read the threads over on ARFCOM. I've got them saved at work and read them for entertainment when I have down time. I wouldn't buy a t-shirt from that company let alone give them a firearm to fuck up. They couldn't even assemble a goddamn AR15 properly. I could teach a toddler how to put one together.

    The only one who played a big part in the show who did a good job was Vince and he left the company. There's some insight on the ARFCOM boards into what goes on behind the scenes but current employees are under contract to keep their mouths shut about most stuff.

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  • Redd
    Originally posted by SVTNorthTexas View Post
    c'mon...te'll me ya'll wouldn't PIIB?


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  • SaTx04Lightning
    Still fun to the cool weapons

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  • 564826
    I still find the show rather entertaining.

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  • SS Junk
    So if Vince is the only one who knew anything then he's the one responsible for the Master Key?

    Ground breaking...

    It's all horse shit. Just like the feud with the biker fags. Scripted as scripted can be.

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  • scootro
    Originally posted by Silverback View Post
    No, those went missing back in 2009. William and his daughter had to surrender their federal firearm licenses because of it. Vince became the "owner" on paper with a legit federal firearms license so they could continue to operate.

    Since he left, two others have stepped in with their licenses to keep the shop open.

    I think Vince left because he was treated like crap and quite possibly the only one there that knew anything.
    oh ok! i remember reading something like that awhile ago

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  • John -- '02 HAWK
    Vince should have mentioned he has a FFL, or is in the progress of getting one.

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  • Silverback
    This is from Vince's website, posted 2.29.12

    He's basically saying Will is a fake, who claims he's a bad ass while taking what his workers make and presenting them as his own, then treating them like shit

    A Small World

    February 29, 2012

    Well…. I was going to finish up The Dark Side with a part 2, but TV got in the way. I don’t really watch much TV nor did I watch the program in question this evening, but I received a few calls from friends concerning the content. Just yesterday my wife gave birth to our fourth child, one of three daughters and I am home trying to get some rest before I bring them home in the morning. So being home alone I decided to write a blog dealing with a topic I find concerning to the firearms industry.

    For those in the business, you know this is a small world. We see one another on a regular basis through industry functions and we peacefully coexist…. even those parties in direct competition. For someone who is only 33 years old, I have spent a lot of time in this business. I have seen companies rise and fall, friends become enemies, and enemies become friends. I have been blessed with the wisdom of many older men who chose to take me under their wing and impart their knowledge on me. Some wiser than others of course but most of them left me with the basic respect of how to conduct ones self within such a small industry.

    I have definitely met my fair share of people who do no hold any code of industry honor. These are often those who are self proclaimed game changers, people who slept in their gun room one night and woke up believing they were gun gods. These types often fail to see the small bubble that we as an industry exist in. And like in many circles, no one likes a self proclaimed miracle worker who produces little and berates those around him.

    So this evening, I found it rather low class for someone who is in the national firearms spotlight to insult me personally just because I parted ways with his business. I found it quite counter-productive to the overall well being of the industry and to the 2nd amendment rights movement. I was brought up in this business to believe that we were all here to promote our firearms culture and to secure legislation or supreme court decisions to pass that very right to our children and grand children, not to fight amongst ourselves.

    Conversely, I was also brought up to defend myself when attacked. While I shall forgo the mudslinging tactics used by my assailant, I will gladly list my credentials so that the general public may see for themselves who is actually qualified as a firearms builder and member of the firearms community and who is shall we say less than qualified.

    Pennsylvania Gunsmith School, Pittsburgh, PA – Graduate

    NRA Certified Instructor

    Life Member National Rifle Association

    Life Member Gun Owners of America

    SO… before using my name riddled with obscenity from your broadband cable TV pulpit, please feel free to list the credentials you possess that make you an expert in firearms. If you cannot, I kindly urge you to hush, and leave the firearms business to those who were trained not only in physical skill but also in social etiquette.

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  • War Machine
    Originally posted by Silverback View Post
    No, those went missing back in 2009. William and his daughter had to surrender their federal firearm licenses because of it. Vince became the "owner" on paper with a legit federal firearms license so they could continue to operate.

    Since he left, two others have stepped in with their licenses to keep the shop open.

    I think Vince left because he was treated like crap and quite possibly the only one there that knew anything.
    that retard who married his daughter is 100% worthless

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  • Silverback
    Originally posted by scootro View Post
    didn't he leave because ten unregistered guns they made went missing and he was blamed for it
    No, those went missing back in 2009. William and his daughter had to surrender their federal firearm licenses because of it. Vince became the "owner" on paper with a legit federal firearms license so they could continue to operate.

    Since he left, two others have stepped in with their licenses to keep the shop open.

    I think Vince left because he was treated like crap and quite possibly the only one there that knew anything.

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  • 71chevellejohn
    Originally posted by scootro View Post
    didn't he leave because ten unregistered guns they made went missing and he was blamed for it
    I don't think they displayed it that way on the show.

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