No idea. Kinda getting worried that it is looking like avengers 1
I think that's pretty baseless. If anything, the movies after A1 have INCREASED in quality and taken more risks. The last thing Kevin Feige wants to do is start playing it safe. Same for Joss Whedon if you've watched any of his previous work.
If you resize so they're all the same height/width and string all the images together, it makes one large picture. Ironman, Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye. Missing Thor and Hulk to connect up with Quicksilver and Black Widow.
I tried linking the images in a post, but they're different resolutions and don't mate up well.
I think that's pretty baseless. If anything, the movies after A1 have INCREASED in quality and taken more risks. The last thing Kevin Feige wants to do is start playing it safe. Same for Joss Whedon if you've watched any of his previous work.
LOL I don't disagree with you at all. I guess I am leary on Ironman I gues. It is my favorite comic character and it just seems like oh look, Tony in the big fight in a normal looking suit, the same suits that got destroyed like Dr Pepper cans in 3 by essentially supercharged people, and is now fighting a super army of androids (Isn't Ultron supposed to be antimantium?) IM3 just seems like it maxed out the character prematurely. I am looking forward to how they introduce Guardians to Avengers, I have high hopes for that movie.
It was back in 2010 – my first year at San Diego Comic-Con – that I got to witness one of the coolest things that I have ever experienced in my young life. At the end of the Marvel Studios panel that year, director Joss Whedon was joined on stage by every single member of The Avengers - including the newly cast Mark Ruffalo as Hulk and Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye. As you can see in the video above, tonight my memory got a sequel thanks to the cast of The Avengers: Age of Ultron.