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Superman & Batman

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  • GhostTX
    "Ultimate Edition" trailer. 30 minutes put back in the movie:

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  • UserX
    It wasn't perfect, but I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

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  • idrivea4banger
    Watched it again and noticed where this movie is going to in JLA. Infinite Crisis, Injustice: God's Among Us and J.L.A: Flashpoint Paradox. If this is true...I've read other people saying the same.....holy shit!!

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  • Gargamel
    Saw it yesterday....

    Other than Eisenberg, minor script\plot holes and some crap that only the comic folks would understand I thought it was pretty damn good.

    I enjoyed it for what it was.... a super hero movie.

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  • CexMashean
    I'm so disgusted at the casting choice for the flash.

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  • Silverback
    It might have taken a few viewings to find it, but Kevin Smith finally found the heart of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. The heart he was looking for just didn’t come with him to his first screening. In an Instagram post, Smith shared a picture of him with Jay Mewes on the Flash […]

    This right here...

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  • GhostTX
    Originally posted by CJ-95GT View Post
    Spoiler Alert!

    What is everybody's take on the dream sequence? Was that Flash that popped up in Batman's dream and was it really a dream? I've heard that he can go back in time and this was supposedly him giving batman fair warning of Superman in the future.
    I think it was Flash, as he can run fast enough to go through time. IMO, I was thinking that if Batman didn't save Superman's mom, that was the future Earth was about to have with Darkseid conquering it and Superman being apart of it.

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  • CJ-95GT
    Spoiler Alert!

    What is everybody's take on the dream sequence? Was that Flash that popped up in Batman's dream and was it really a dream? I've heard that he can go back in time and this was supposedly him giving batman fair warning of Superman in the future.

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  • Unicorn Jeff
    Originally posted by GhostTX View Post
    Overall, I would give the movie a thumbs up.

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  • GhostTX
    I enjoyed it. I didn't like how it felt "rushed" introducing the other characters. I didn't like how Lex knew everything about the heroes. The great detective should have seen that coming, IMO.

    I agree that Lex was miscast. He's not a raving, crazy lunatic. He's an eccentric criminal master mind.

    Overall, I would give the movie a thumbs up.

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  • Silverback
    see i told you

    The comicbook nerd in my loved it for the same reasons you did. There was so much good for the comic fan. Which I can see why non comic fans have some issues with the story lines and continuity.

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  • idrivea4banger
    if you haven't seen the movie do not scroll down, spoilers ahead

    Well.....I walked into this movie with no high hopes. I've constantly been negative about this movie since it was announced at Comic-con a few years ago with Batman's speech to Superman from the Dark Knight Returns, the casting choice of Batfleck to Mark Zuckerberg being Alexander Luthor. I've seen all the harsh reviews this movie has garnered and I understand why. Putting all that aside, I really enjoyed the fuck out of this. More so than The Avengers movies. For your traditional comic book reader this movie catered to your nerdism to a t. I'll be jumping of my review of this movie.

    The introduction and quick back story was a nice nod to TDKR with the death of Thomas and Martha Wayne. The abandoned house with the cops, another nice touch. Watching Batman hang in the corner of the ceiling as the cop was searching for him was cool. The way he moved, to me, reminded me how he's been portrayed in the animated series and TDKR: pt. 1/pt. 2 animated film. I wasn't expecting that at all, I figured he'd be Bale-esque with his movements. They really hit it with this incarnation of Batman/Bruce. They showed more of the detective side of batman/bruce that other movies failed to truly portray. I've got to hand it to Ben Affleck, he really did this character justice. He was able to portray a hardened, aged Batman who was constantly battling who he really was. Retirement didn't suit him well and the fiasco in Metropolis was the spark of the fire within him. Risking his body, this drive geared him into doing what was necessary to stop Superman. He didn't trust him or his powers. The fight scene and the preparation for his battle against Supe's was on point. His exosuit definitely won points with me and stayed true to TDKR. When Clark hits his chest and tells me "i could kill you if I wanted to" mirros Bruce telling Clark how he could've killed Clark with the mist of kryptonite in TDKR. The whole fight sequence was a comic book fan's dream come true. Everything about Batman in this movie was something I never expected to see. I caught a lot lines taken from TDKR and I really dug it big time.

    Superman, the most powerful being in the world. The government wants to control him and hold him responsible for his actions. Afterall, his appearance shook up the world. The aftermath of metropolis shows how divided the world became. Can we trust him? After everything he's done for humanity there are those who are unsure if he's an ally or enemy in waiting. What does he have to do to show the world he's on their side? He doesn't owe them anything. He chose to be a light but as he questions himself he becomes unsure of Superman. I'm not going to get into the whole religious aspects they portrayed about Supe's because it's obvious in certain scenes the underlying messages. I won't get back into his fight against Bat's but move on to the Doomsday fight. This brought back memories of when I was a kid reading the death of Superman storyline. The scene with lex creating him explained how dangerous kryptonian genetic engineering was. I also got the feeling that a different variation of Doomsday is what caused the council to ban this procedure. Using Zod's body perfectly explained why DD immediately attacked Superman and why he screamed at his statue. In the comics he can detect kryptonian genes and immediately goes into rage. He died over and over in a harsh environment on krypton and each time his anger grew more and more for kryptonians. Man, he towered Superman just like in the comics, and both beings were going all out. All leading up to the final blows, I was left speechless, "they fucking did the death of Superman!!!" I was fucking extatic. The way they both fell, how lois held him, batman draping superman's cape over his body; all very similar to those panels I read when I was a kid. I was not expecting any of this either and then the one scene that really got me. Superman fighting Doomsday, guiding him into the outersphere. I kept thinking, he's going to put him into a comet and blast him into outerspace; nope. Instead he sees a nuclear warhead headed towards him and redirects himself and DD into it. Explosion and then they pan out.......He's been drained of his powers and resembles a corpse. The same exact image from TDKR. The same erie music and visuals from the TDKR: pt. 1/pt. 2 animated film was now right in front of me. I was actually seeing this in a live movie. His body regaining strength from the sun; mother. Just like in the comics, this made me completely giggle like a little bitch. The funeral scene, the procession by horse carriage. Everything about it was on point. I had no complaints.

    Now other things I thought were good but this is where things had that rushed feeling. The introduction of Cyborg, Aquaman, Flash and Wonderwoman. The files Diana was looking at gave us a glimpse at the rest of the JLA. This part felt crammed into the movie, I would've liked to have seen more but this is where D.C. has really put a lot into this movie. Flash's scene with Bruce made me think: Flashpoint Paradox?? You're average movie goer won't understand what is happening in this scene. They won't understand Bruce's Darkseid dreams either. I had to explain this and a few other things to my buddy. This, again, was way too much that D.C. crammed into a movie that should've just kept focus on The Trinity. But I get that they're trying to gain momentum with Marvel. I have no doubt that Suicide Sqaud will be able to keep this momentum growing with D.C. My only big issue was Lex. Eisenberg was horribly miscast, he wasn't believable as the criminal scientific mastermind that I've come to know over the years in films, tv and animation. No history between him and Superman yet he knows both heroes identity and instead has a history with Bruce. That could've been executed a lot better. Him shaving his head balled was insignificant in my opinion. Just a copout to try to portray him as Lex. Only vibe I got from that scene was it was way too similar to Lionel Luthor shaving his head on Smallville when he was locked up for killing his father. This go around there were more nods to batman's lore than superman. I'd have to go back and watch it to see if I missed any for Superman. Honestly even with some of the issues this movie had I was thoroughly enjoyed from beginning to end. Even if it favored Batman heavily. I do have to say it was way better than Man of Steel and that pains me to say because I love the shit out of that movie.

    So far it seems the majority of you also like this. I'm stoked now to see what D.C. has in store for us with future films.

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  • zachary
    Ben i think did a good job with the bat..i felt like there was true depth and you could see the years had added up and taken a toll on had some issues but he did good.

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  • chronical
    Yeah some where definitely spot on. I enjoyed the movie though.

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  • CJ-95GT
    Lol, while I agree with you on some I also thought a few were spot on. However, I don't want to elaborate and give anything away to those who haven't seen it yet.

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