I'm certainly not holding my breath, but this actually sounds like an interesting plot.
How will the citizens of Metropolis feel about Superman after what happened in Man Of Steel? Thanks to the apparent erection of a Superman Statue, many fans initially speculated the general public might be on Clark Kent’s side, but new rumors coming out of the set are painting a very different picture.
A source close to the production told Batman On Film that the movie’s basic theme is very "anti-Superman". There will apparently be protests and Bruce Wayne will step in to save people from a major disaster because his fellow superhero either can’t or won’t. If true, that may mean Superman would need to wait until Justice League to properly redeem himself. Or this could simply be the first and second act to a larger movie that will see everyone first hate and then love Kal-El again by the end. Hell, we could even see a Watchmen type scenario where the general public is bitterly divided on "costumed heroes". We just don’t know.
Really, that’s one of the great things about Batman V Superman. In a typical superhero flick, most of us intuitively understand the heroes will probably conquer over the villains by the end and they’ll be back for another adventure later. Here, however, we have no idea if Batman and Superman will actually fight or even if they’ll join forces by the end. For all we know, this movie could be the Empire Strikes Back of the series and their hatred for one another could allow Lex Luthor to take control of Metropolis.
Could we seriously get a movie where that guy outwits Batman and Superman? That’s probably a little too far outside DC’s comfort zone, but it could be a great way to actually bring the Justice League together. Or, and I’m just spitballing here, could we see Lex Luthor and Batman join forces to shame Superman for wrecking half the city?
Batman V Superman will be released on March 25, 2016. I’m fairly confident in saying will because the release date battle between Marvel and DC ended this week with Ben Affleck and company picking up and moving to another date. They may not have had enough pride to stay, but something tells me, there’s no way in Hell they would ever pick up and move again, even if Steven Spielberg decided to make an event film and slot it on the same day.
No announcement yet.
Superman & Batman
Guest replied
WB/DC Caved. (get it? CAVED!)
DC Has Budged From Marvel. The Batman V Superman Release Date From May 6, 2016 To March 25, 2016. It Now Opens With A Full Month Ahead Of Captain America 3.
DC has budged. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has moved from its May 6, 2016 release date and will now open on March 25, 2016. (Yes, March!) It now opens unopposed instead of in a direct showdown with Marvel Studios and Captain America 3.
The Wrap first posted about the release date change. This is the second time the film, directed by Zack Snyder, has moved its release. Originally it was going to come out in the Summer of 2015, but then moved to May 6, 2016 when major script rewrites opened up the Warner Bros. DC Universe.
At that time, Marvel already had a film scheduled for that date but it was untitled. We were one of the first sites to ask the Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige about the Marvel vs. DC showdown and he said Marvel would not budge. They then revealed that Captain America 3 would open on that May 2016 date. Warner Bros. didn’t flinch, however, also declaring they wouldn’t move.
You can read much, much more about this Hollywood game of release date chicken here, here, here and here.
But now the change has finally happened, and it’s pretty significant. Batman v Superman is potentially one of the most highly anticipated films ever. It’s the first time two of the biggest names in comic books will be on screen together. That’s a tailor-made Summer event movie. The move to March shows that Warner Bros. believes the film has just as much potential in March than summer. And guess what? They’re right.
This year, Marvel Studios/Disney took advantage of this early Summer strategy with Captain America: The Winter Soldier, opening it on basically the same weekend Batman v Superman will come out 2 years later. Cap had a massive $95 million opening, one of the year’s biggest, proving audiences will show up for a big movie even if it’s not the summer. Plus, the competition for that kind of mega blockbuster is non-existent in March and April. This will give Snyder’s film a full month to shine at the box office before Captain America returns.
Are you surprised DC budged on this release date showdown? Do you think this shows weakness or foresight?
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Originally posted by Magnus View PostAfter thirty seconds of searching, I couldn't find it, so I gave up.
Somewhat better quality.
It was deleted again.Last edited by idrivea4banger; 07-28-2014, 09:48 PM.
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After thirty seconds of searching, I couldn't find it, so I gave up.
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Originally posted by Craizie View PostSo do they ambush him? I figured that would be the only way he could take him down.
Btw, the armor in the trailer is very similar to the one he wears in The Dark Knight Returns.
Last edited by idrivea4banger; 07-28-2014, 03:47 PM.
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So do they ambush him? I figured that would be the only way he could take him down.
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Originally posted by Craizie View PostIve never read the comics, but how could batman even come close to ever beating superman? Even if his whole suit was made of green rock, supes could just fly straight though him.
If you ever get a chance, check out the animated film The Dark Knight Returns pt1 and pt2. It's really good and follows the comic pretty closely.
They haven't introduced Kryptonite in the film yet but I'm betting Bruce got a hold of some of the kryptonian space armor suits, reverse engineered the technology and built his own battle suit that could withstand Superman's powers.Last edited by idrivea4banger; 07-28-2014, 03:32 PM.
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Ive never read the comics, but how could batman even come close to ever beating superman? Even if his whole suit was made of green rock, supes could just fly straight though him.
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I honestly don't know what to think about the teaser. It screams "The Dark Knight Returns". They might as well thrown in Batman's speech he says as he fights Superman from the comics into this trailer.
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Gonzo... Read the text you quoted after you retry the video you posted... Give it a week and It'll be reposted somewhere.
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All removed across the interweb! hopefully somewhere puts it back today
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