Basically critics are tearing this movie apart. Fan boys aren't impressed and regular movie goers are the one's who enjoyed it the most. Man of Steel had the same issue, either you liked it or hated it. This movie seems to be trending the same. I just can't seem to get over myself and try to watch this movie. I've been slamming it from the minute it was announced. Maybe I'll watch it on Tuesday for $5 at Cinemark. If it's disappointing at least I won't be pissed I spent $10 to watch it.
I'm just a cheap skate and gladly avoid the opening day/night/weekend crowd for Tuesday $5.
Originally posted by Denny
I guess I'll watch it tomorrow when I'm pretending to work.
It was good. I was entertained through most of it. I'll agree that there was waaaaaay too much crammed into it. Wonder Woman shouldn't have played such a huge part in it. About halfway through it became nothing but a setup for future movies. DC has panicked and seen how well the Marvel Universe is performing and tried to play catch up in a 2.5 hour movie. Other than that I was ok with it.
cause bats was like "hey its my town jerk dont mess it up i am the only onyl who can destroy private property here" and is all jelly and scared of his powers and stuff
Basically critics are tearing this movie apart. Fan boys aren't impressed and regular movie goers are the one's who enjoyed it the most. Man of Steel had the same issue, either you liked it or hated it. This movie seems to be trending the same. I just can't seem to get over myself and try to watch this movie. I've been slamming it from the minute it was announced. Maybe I'll watch it on Tuesday for $5 at Cinemark. If it's disappointing at least I won't be pissed I spent $10 to watch it.
get over it. It's 100 times better than Man of Steel, and as a comic fan, there are so many great things about this adaptation.
cause bats was like "hey its my town jerk dont mess it up i am the only onyl who can destroy private property here" and is all jelly and scared of his powers and stuff
exactly what i expected. Ben did a good job, Lex was no itself was more entertaining than I thought and overall better...BUT...they really did cram too much into one I think, and it took such a jump from what fans were used too. I think dream scenes were way over the top....if there was just a BIT more clarity in some of that would have helped
I mean they setup about 7 different future movies in this one, which is DC's bad for being about 10 years late to this party!
Basically critics are tearing this movie apart. Fan boys aren't impressed and regular movie goers are the one's who enjoyed it the most. Man of Steel had the same issue, either you liked it or hated it. This movie seems to be trending the same. I just can't seem to get over myself and try to watch this movie. I've been slamming it from the minute it was announced. Maybe I'll watch it on Tuesday for $5 at Cinemark. If it's disappointing at least I won't be pissed I spent $10 to watch it.
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