Old movie name? Boy reads book and monsters appear?
It's about a boy who finds a magic book in the house and when he turns the pages and sees the Monsters picture they appear in or around the house?
No I remember Never Ending Story almost word for word. I watched that movie about 1000 times when I was a kid.
Pagemaster isnt it. It's older than that.
I just remember the kid is in his house and starts reading a book. When he flips the pages he see's pictures of monsters. Then that monster appears inside his house or outside.
Remember who was in it at all? Only thing coming to mind at the moment, and doesn't quite match your description, is "The Gate". That was horror I believe and was later 80's.
Remember who was in it at all? Only thing coming to mind at the moment, and doesn't quite match your description, is "The Gate". That was horror I believe and was later 80's.
Heck no I dont. I have a memory like a steel sieve. Big things get stuck for ever but most things just fall right through.