Just watched this today, very disappointed. Definitely the worst one produced. Why does each one have to have some love story in it, can't they just focus on the transformers which is the movie title!
Seeing the dinobots was cool but I hate the way they threw them in there since in the old toons the autobots created them and they spoke english. LoL
Honestly, seeing Prime riding one was really bad. It was hard to finish watching this movie at this point.
Haha, I finally caught it last night also. Fucking awful. Jared's review perfectly summed up the entire thing, and he and I hardly ever agree on movies. They need to carve these movies down to 90 minutes instead of three fucking hours. I mean I literally paused it at one late point sort of incredulous at myself for watching this shit all the way through, and I'm a fan of bad movies! It started off good(as in okay at best), and just fell off a cliff about 50 minutes in. So many useless "plot" points and bad caricatures of characters.
My wife bought this on iTunes. That's right, I own this fucking movie now. Michael Bay should have to pay me for having to watch this pile of shit. The acting was predictably stale, and the plot was laughable. I'm glad that they set it up for another film because when you're totally skull fucking a franchise, why stop at four.