I would go beat the fuck out of all of them within an inch of their life, then fuck their chihuahua while they watch as they get loaded into the ambulance
I think a movie based off of the book would be a lot better, but this could also be interesting. The stories in the book all talked about what that person witnessed during the infection, so really this could be covering a lot of the same material from a different point of view.
Brad Pitt rarely gives a bad performance so that, plus zombies, probably equals something worth my time. I will go into it expecting the book to be better, so odds of me being too disappointed are pretty small.
Edit: fast zombies are scarier in my opinion, so I really am not all that concerned about the change.
I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.
Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.